Undercover Mate

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Before you start reading I would just like to say that I am currently unhappy with how this book was first written so I am re-writing all the chapters. Please do not read chapters without an astrix (*) as it will become confusing because the storyline will make absolutely no sense. 


Trained from birth to kill, follow orders and repress any part of her that risks the first two, Malice has never been the average female. With her genetics described as an 'abomination', as she is parts werewolf, witch, vampire and fairy combined, the fact that her parents were murdered early in her life, and she's been working for a werewolf protection program ever since birth, it's no surprise that boys have never played a large role in her life.

Australia. A dry, bogan ridden country is where this all changes. While undercover on a mission, she finds her usually unwavering determination being distracted by a particularly sensuous alpha and his abiding presumptuous personality. But with her mission being set to stay undercover, will she break her single-minded earnestness for him or will he simply go down as another obstacle in another errand? 

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