Please Don't Leave Me

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Title: Please Don't Leave Me Alone

Word Count: 450

Fandom: Sanders Sides

Pairing: Logicality (...? sorta)

Request(s): storm-writer said (on Tumblr) "'Please don't leave me alone' for the 5 word prompts? :)"

Warning(s): Angst

A/N: here, have a small dose of heartbreak first thing in the morning. hope you like it!

"Logy Bear, we need to talk," Patton walked into the room, not knocking before entering like usual.

"Yes, what is this about?" Logan asked, setting down his book and standing up from his desk. His stomach sunk to the floor when he saw the look on the fatherly figures face. There was no bright smile. No twinkle in his eye. Just coldness.

"Logan, I'm leaving you," Patton stated, his voice hard and unforgiving. He didn't feel the need to let him down easy. Logan was momentarily shocked into silence. He thought their relationship was going well, what caused this sudden end?

"Wh-what?" He stuttered out, gripping the corner of his desk until his knuckles turned white. "What has sparked this unexpected change in feelings? Have I done something wrong?"

Patton shook his head. "No, of course not. You didn't do anything, I have just come to the realisation that I no longer hold romantic feelings for you. At all."

Logan felt a strange sensation in his chest as if his heart had fallen out of place and to his feet while stomach rose up to his throat.

"Ah, well, alright then," Logan said, keeping his face neutral as always.

"Goodbye Logan," Patton said, turning and walking out of the room without another glance. Logan heard him slam the door closed, but he couldn't bring himself to look.

For some unknown reason, his entire body hurt. Like the whole world was crashing down around him. Were these feelings? Logan had never felt these specific ones before. It was so different than the fluttering sensations he felt in his chest before when he'd hang around Patton, these were much more painful. He didn't like them.

Logan fell back into his chair, frown etched onto his face. He felt a strange wetness fill his eyes. The salty water leaked out onto his cheeks. He sat, not making a sound as he reached up to wipe away the stream. Tears. He was crying.

He didn't know what to do to stop the onslaught of tears pouring over his face. He'd never cried before. It wasn't a logical thing to do, only hindering, in his mind. He pressed the palms of his hands to his eyes, hoping he could wipe tears away before they fell.

Silent sobs wracked through his body as he regretted the one thing he didn't have the courage to say. Please don't leave me alone.

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