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 "You really did impress me when you lasted five seconds in the Underworld without freezing to death but I had to know why you didn't. Abaddon done research and it makes sense to what he found, you have half of my soul inside of you. That's why you survived," he explained and she listened very closely. "so, I thought for a while about this. Estrella, if you come to the Underworld with me you won't have to worry about Michael and the angels. You will be unbelievably safe. Will you come to the Underworld with me?"  

"No," she whispered. Lucifer felt his voice leave him. "I don't belong there. This is my home, Lucifer. They're not going to run me off."

Lucifer glared into her eyes, trying to come up with what to say. He knew Estrella was stubborn but he never thought she was the fighting type, and this sounded like she was declaring to fight.

"The offer still stands."

Estrella grinned, leaning close to plant a kiss on his cheek. He needed to shave, his face felt like sandpaper against her lips.

"I'll keep it in mind, but I'm not giving up that easy... now excuse me, I'm going to draw a bath," she said against his cheek. Estrella wandered away but came to a halt before disappearing around the corner. "are you staying?"

"No," he cleared his throat. "I need to return to the Underworld."

Estrella nodded understandingly but wished that he would stay.

"Don't stay gone too long this time."

Estrella just thought he had responsibilities to attend to, but she had no idea that he was in a war with Michael. Heaven was devastated by the loss of Audreanna, the first angel in history to lose her life to the Devil. Since then, Michael took it upon himself to seek vengeance. The soldiers of Heaven invaded the Underworld and the soldiers of demons were unprepared for the attack; there were a lot of fatalities. Lucifer lost demons and hellhounds. Now, the Underworld was prepared and they waited impatiently for another attack. Lucifer waited until he heard the water begin to run before walking through the portal and returning to his kingdom, where Abaddon stood to welcome Estrella to her new home. His face revealed the shock before he spoke.

"What happened? Where is Estrella?"

"She turned me down," Lucifer said through his teeth. He approached the desk, breathing thoroughly before losing his temper and slinging everything off onto the floor. "she does not comprehend the danger she's in. How ignorant can one human get? I told her she'll be safe here but she still said no, no to me!"

Abaddon swallowed hard, trying to think of the perfect words to say to calm Lucifer down.

"Did she explain why or was it a straight up no?"

Lucifer collapsed in his throne, chuckling angrily as he recalled her words.

"She said she doesn't belong here, that's her home and she's not giving up. I can make my kingdom her home! Does she question my ability in doing that?"

"Brother, she is human and Earth is home. It would be the same if one of us were offered to live on Earth, it wouldn't be home."

That statement made Lucifer remember he had someone to take care of.

"Where is that bitch - Lilith?"

"I don't know but I-"

"Find her and make sure she is brought to me," Lucifer growled. "now!"

He didn't know what he would do to Lilith but he wanted to leave an impact so she remembered every day for an eternity to not go anywhere near Estrella. Lucifer looked at the mess on the floor; papers scattered, broken glass, books and even his favorite pen. He may have caused this mess but he would not be the one to clean it up when he had a kingdom filled with servants to do it for him.

"Put me down!" Lilith exclaimed while a demon carried her over his shoulder into the office. "I do not want this. You have no permission to touch me!" he sat her down and slammed the doors shut, trapping her inside. But she didn't give up. "let me out now!"

"Lilith," Lucifer boomed and his voice echoed. She froze in fear. "come here!"

Lilith twirled, forcing a seductive, confident smile and began to strut forward. She always believed she had the power to make Lucifer weak at the knees, but she didn't understand how angry he was.

"What happened earlier was an accident, babe. I apologize."

She reached his desk, leaning over it to expose her cleavage.

"So, you didn't mean to back her against a counter forcibly nor tell her we had sex?"

"Well-" she began but was interrupted when Lucifer grasped her by the throat.

"Don't you even try to make excuses for your actions, you really did cross a boundary today."

"You're choking me, Lucifer." She gasped, gripping his wrist tightly to try to pry it away.

Lucifer stood up, tightening his grip.

"I don't care what you thought we had because there was never anything, all I wanted was to use you in bed. You were never going to be queen, I never loved you, hell, I don't even like you!" he spat as he rounded the desk to stand in front of her. "you will never be her. You will never make me feel the way she makes me feel. So get over yourself, all you will ever be is a quick fuck when no one else is available. But I will warn you, if you ever go near her again or even look at her I will make you regret it. Do you hear me, Lilith?"

She nodded rapidly.

"I-I hear you."

Lucifer released her to see his fingerprints embedded around her throat, turning black and blue by the second. He aggressively shoved her down onto the marble floor by his mess and demanded her to clean it up. Even she, a demon of the Underworld for decades, realized he was utterly different. 

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