✢ SIX ✢

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The sunshine dazzled through the curtains in Estrella's bedroom, shining directly into her closed eyelids to disturb her slumber. She flinched, pulling the heavy comforter over her face as a shield. Estrella did not want to get up and face another day while knowing she was carrying Lucifer's baby inside her belly, for almost four days straight she has cried and felt utterly overwhelmed with no guidance on what to do about this. Lucifer was gone, God knows where, doing who knows what. Estrella didn't even care anymore, a part of her wished he never returns. He has ruined her life in so many ways and now he had impregnated her after claiming he could not do that, at first she believed that he had no idea he could but maybe he did know. Maybe this was all part of his plan. In all reality, she was alone in this situation.
Estrella threw the blankets back, lifting her body upwards and letting her barefeet touch the floor. It was another cold, winter morning in the month December. Christmas was in three weeks, but truthfully Estrella didn't care. So what that it was Christmas? She didn't have a family to celebrate it with and Lucifer was not her family. So what that it was Jesus' birthday? Obviously he didn't care about her neither, so why should she care that it's his birthday? Truth be told, she hated this world and the creator. Estrella tossed on the black robe that hung on the bedroom door before walking out into the hallway, she wanted coffee. She has not made a doctor's appointment so she was still unsure about how far along she was into this pregnancy, there were many reasons why she hadn't made an appointment. One; she wasn't sure if she wanted anyone to know she was pregnant. Two; what if the doctor noticed that this baby isn't human? Three; what if Lucifer loses his shit and kills the doctor, like he did with those people in that shop that wanted to help her get away from him? Four; what if the doctor performed an ultrasound and sees wings or something? Estrella had many questions but no one to answer them. Not even the demons that guarded the house knew she was pregnant, despite the fact that Beelzebub has been in her house multiple times since she has found out. She figured that Lucifer hasn't spilled the beans, and that Beelzebub couldn't find out the way Lucifer did.
Estrella turned on the coffee pot, smelling it in the air. She didn't know if coffee was harmful to the baby or that if it even bothered it. She also kept reminding herself that she already knew the gender and should stop referring the baby as "it", but she couldn't wrap her mind around the fact about knowing. It was way too soon! Estrella thought she should give the baby a name, but honestly she didn't know if she wanted to give birth to this baby. Estrella didn't want to bring a child into this fight between Lucifer and his brother Michael, she couldn't forgive herself if she did and what kind of mother would do that?
The coffee pot completed the coffee and she grasped the full mug, carefully walking to the couch so it didn't spill. Estrella wished she had someone to talk to, someone to give her advice on what to do but the fact that it had to be done by herself left her feeling like the left person on Earth. She sipped the hot liquid, staring at the sun shining through the windows. She hasn't turned on the TV since she found out, its just been her and the thoughts. Estrella expected to see Beelzebub soon though, he usually welcomed himself into her home to do what he called "checking up" and he legitimately searched the house from top to bottom. But instead of the door opening, the house phone began to ring. She had no intention of getting up to answer it because she knew the machine would pick up, if they don't leave a message then it's not that important. Estrella knew it wasn't work, she called in for a week off, claiming that she had family issues to deal with and surprisingly Bobby agreed to give her a week off. Of course without pay.
"Estrella?" said the Southern, female voice. Estrella set the cup down on the table and listened. "it's Steph. I just wanted to see if you would meet up with me for lunch at noon at IHOP. I know it's your favorite. I will be there waiting, so if you don't show that's alright. Well, talk soon hon." then her voice stopped.
Why does she want to see me, Estrella asked her subconscious, maybe she's dying. Which was a horrible thought, but Stephanie wasn't the type of aunt to just call up and ask to meet up with her niece to chitchat.

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