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Lucifer's posture was stiff as he followed Estrella into a restaurant called Wendy's. It was nearly midnight and the place was empty of customers; they were driving through drive thru', but since Lucifer just magically brought Estrella here she had to come inside. Lucifer didn't wait with her while the staff prepared the order, he found a table by the wall and sat silently as his black eyes scanned the restaurant. He didn't sense any Archangels nearby, the world was peacefully quiet right now and Estrella didn't seem to be in any danger. He watched her grasp a black tray and approach the table he had claimed. She ordered a double deluxe hamburger, small fries and a large frosty. She was already stuffing fries into her mouth, chewing hungrily while she sat down. Lucifer shifted in his seat, leaning back to get comfortable and watch her eat. Food had a weird scent to him, it didn't smell disgusting nor delicious and he didn't have the overwhelming urge to try it. He didn't experience the hunger feeling that humans did and he wouldn't want to.

"I guess you were starved."

Estrella nodded her head, keeping her eyes on the food. An employer stood just five feet away, mopping the floor and Estrella didn't want to seem insane while talking to air.

"I haven't eaten today."

Lucifer rolled his eyes. Here we go again with the whispering, he thought angrily.

"And why not?"

She shrugged her shoulders slightly, lifting the hamburger. It looked so delicious; her stomach was rumbling.

"I just haven't been hungry until now." she replied then took a big bite.

Lucifer's eyebrows raised in a questioning matter and she glanced at him, her eyes asking what? Lucifer opened his mouth to respond but it slowly shut as he thought of the right words before saying them.

"Has your appetite deceased since you've found out you're pregnant?" he leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. Estrella nodded, taking another bite. "I think that's because she's half Archangel. If that's the case, then she's going to be more like me than I thought. I believed she would be more human, but if your appetite is deceasing and then increasing at different times then that would mean she doesn't have the appetite a human would." he said slowly as if he was piecing together a puzzle.

Estrella didn't care about any of that right now, all she cared about was demolishing this hamburger. She finished chewing, swallowing hard then grabbing a fry.

"She needs a name," she told him. "we can't call the baby her, it and she forever."

Lucifer smirked happily. "I thought you were indecisive about having her?"

"I was, but... but then I saw her in the ultrasound. Yes, she's in danger and the Devil is her father but I'm also her mother. But I swear on your father, Lucifer, if you try to use her for your stupid revenge I will take that angel blade you have in your room and stab you with it."

Lucifer burst into laughter, causing her heart to drop. It was the loudest she's ever heard him laugh and it was an uneasy feeling to know he actually thought something was funny.

"I knew you were a little braver than an average human, here you are threatening my life with my own sword."

"I'm glad you find it amusing but I'm not joking." she spat, lifting the frosty and Lucifer's smile disappeared completely.

"Oh sweetheart, I didn't think you were."

"So," she said, clearly getting them back on topic. "will you help decide on a name or will you leave it up to me?"

Lucifer exhaled.

"I'll help name our daughter."

"Good but there's only one thing I ask," she began and one of Lucifer's eyebrows rose upwards. "she will not be named something stupid. No Archangels names either, because you all have weird names and I don't like them. Deal?"

Lucifer grinned and nodded.

"Anything you say, darling."

Fatigue was compelling Estrella, when they returned to the extremely cold Underworld all she could think about was sleep but that was obviously the last thing on Lucifer's mind. He approached the desk, looking through papers as if he was looking for something and it was her yawning that caught his attention. He huffed.

"Do you want to sleep?"

"Badly." said Estrella, stretching out her arms.

Lucifer abandoned the work he needed to get done the most and approached her, feeling the warmth of her living body. His hand cupped her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. She was so beautiful, he wanted to destroy the beauty. It was a natural desire; something he admired so much was something he despised.

"Then let's get you to bed."

He leaned down, scooping her into his arms and she squealed unexpectedly. Her slender arms covered by a heavy coat wrapped around his neck and her fingers hidden by gloves became tangled in his long midnight hair. 

 "My legs do work, in case you've forgotten."

Lucifer carried her to the doors, his grip tightening on her.

"You complain too damn much, you know that?" he snarled.

The doors opened by no one, allowing them to leave the office. The corridor was deserted and silent, which gave some ease to Estrella. She didn't know what she was thinking when she told Lucifer that she would sleep in the Underworld for one night, it was honestly insane but it was too late for her to back out now.

"It's safe for me to sleep here, right?" she asked, looking up at him. His silhouette was dark but small golden light from the flaming candles cast shadows on him.

"If it wasn't, I wouldn't let you." Lucifer said simply, hoping that would shut her up.

He continued to carry her bridal style to his bedroom, staring straight ahead into the darkness. She allowed her eyelids to fall shut, no longer fighting the urge to sleep but when she heard the squeakiness of doors opening she couldn't help but to let her eyelids snap open. The bedroom was illuminated by candles and so was the bed, the flames casting shadows on the silky sheets.

"I can't get out of these clothes to sleep, can I?" she mumbled tiredly as he laid her down on the bed; pulling away the blankets and she lifted up to take off her shoes.

"No, you want to keep them on."

Her shoes fell to the marble floor and she lowered herself onto her left side, grabbing the blanket and pulling it over her body. The mattress hugged her shape, causing sleep to come easier. Lucifer watched her quietly, listening to her heart steady and breathing become heavy until he knew she was asleep. It didn't take long. He rounded the bed, sitting on the opposite side to take off his own shoes. No, he didn't sleep but he would lay with her to protect her well-being since she was more vulnerable right now. Usually he laid in bed nude but this special occasion he chose to keep his clothes on. Once underneath the blanket and the candles began to blow out, only one remain, she became closer to him until he felt her breath against his cheek.


So goals right?! I really hope you enjoyed that chapter because I enjoyed writing it,

1) what do you think they will name the baby?

2) what do you think the angels are up to now?

3) will Estrella "move in" with Lucifer?

Leave your answers/feedback down below, thank you all so much!

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