✢ TWO ✢

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Abraxas traveled through the Underworld searching for Abaddon just to receive permission to speak with Lucifer. Abaddon had his own small office located four corridors away from Lucifer's and that's where he spent most of this time reading all of the books they stole from Heaven, and recently he spent day and night trying to find a way to keep Michael and Ellie out of Estrella's dreams. When Abraxas opened the door, he overheard Abaddon mumbling to himself while writing stuff down in a notepad.


"What do you want, Abraxas? I'm extremely busy." Abaddon sighed, not bothering to raise his head.

"To speak with our Lord."

Abaddon dropped the pen and took off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his long nose. Lucifer was going through a confusing, tough time. Since Estrella turned down the offer to live here in the Underworld, he felt angry and rejected so he acted out then retreated to his bedroom for days. He hasn't been seen since.

"You know he wants to be alone and I'm not going to disturb him."

"Not even if it's about the human?" Abraxas challenged, folding his arms.

Abaddon's head rose, his face darkening seriously.

"What's wrong with her, what did you do?!"

"Nothing!" he hissed. "Beelzebub said something was wrong, I don't know what but when I left she was leaving her job early. Beelzebub said that our Lord needs to get there ASAP. I'm just the messenger."

Abaddon jumped up from the chair, knocking it over in the process and rushed passed Abraxas, shoving him out of the way. Abraxas loved a show, so he ran after Abaddon with a devious smirk on his round face. Abaddon marched down the corridors to Lucifer's bedroom, passing demons who looked over their shoulder in curiosity. Everyone in the Underworld knew Lucifer's brothers were the only ones who could confront him, for some odd reason he kept his temper under control but with anyone else they didn't matter. Abaddon was one of the brothers who could confront Lucifer, speak his mind, and leave unharmed but he also knew not to push him too far. When they reached the door, Abaddon pounded his fist against it bravely. There was no answer the first time, so he knocked again and this time the door did open but what he saw was not what Abraxas nor he expected. It was Lilith, completely naked and smiling as if she was on nine cloud.
"Can I help you?"
"Oh hell no!" Abaddon snapped, shoving her aside and letting himself in. Lucifer laid in the , under the silk blankets with two other nude demons, they were both all over him and he seemed to enjoy the attention. "get your ass up right now and get dressed!"
Abaddon approached the splintery, ancient dresser and jerked open the drawer to grab Lucifer some clothes.
"Abaddon, what are you doing?!"
Abraxas stood in the doorway, watching the scene unfold before his eyes. They all seemed shocked to witness Abaddon's mini-fit.
"You're going to stop being a depressed douchebag and go see the girl you claim to have feelings for!" Abaddon spat, grabbing a shirt and throwing it at Lucifer.
Lucifer threw the blankets aside, getting up and thankfully he wore black boxers. His face revealed anger.
"I'm not going to see her."
"Why?" He challenged. "because she said no to coming here? Boo-fucking-hoo big brother! Guess what, she's a female and a human, so you should get used to a lot of no's. Put your clothes on, kick these whores out, and get your ass to Earth!"
He threw a pair of jeans at Lucifer's barefeet and crossed his arms, staring at him.
"Don't piss me off, Abaddon."
"How's this to change your mood, Beelzebub is concerned about her. Yes, a demon who couldn't care less about humans. He's saying you need to get there as soon as possible!"
Lucifer's face changed but he tried to keep it hidden, but his concern was showing. He felt his blood begin to boil because all he could think about was Michael and the angels, they had to have done something. He was speechless, trying to get the words out and when he saw Abraxas the words flooded out.
"What happened to her, you son of a bitch!?"
Abraxas held his hands up innocently.
"I don't know, my Lord. Beelzebub sent me to get you. When I was leaving she was leaving work early and Beelzebub was frantic, she didn't look amused and I would guess if the other humans weren't around she would be putting up a fight with him."
That was all that needed to be said to get Lucifer moving. He scooped up the jeans and rushed to get them on, while the females protested in anger.
"Abraxas, bring me my sword. Now!"
He buttoned his jeans and grabbed the combat boots by the bed, pulling them on while Abaddon watched with a grimace.
"You should have been there anyways, not laying in bed with three other females. How'd you think she would feel if she knew that?"
"Don't lecture me now, little brother. You can later." Lucifer growled, tossing on a black V-neck and grasping his cloak.
Abraxas had returned just in time with Lucifer's sword in its holster and presented it to him, where Lucifer attached it to his belt.
"I'll handle them while you're gone." Abaddon snarled, nodding towards the females but Lucifer couldn't care less. All he cared about was getting to Earth immediately.
Earth was black and silent, yet cold and lonely. Lucifer and Abraxas appeared in her driveway, seeing Beelzebub sitting on the porch steps anxiously. He jumped to his feet when they appeared and waited for Lucifer to approach.
"What happened?"
Beelzebub shrugged.
"My Lord, I honestly have no explanation. She got sick at work and didn't want me anywhere near her, then she asked that man if she could leave early. I was going to follow her but she fought me, I mean legitimately fought me, to leave her alone. She called a Taxi, got in and left. We came here and waited for her, then when she got here she went inside without saying a word. So, of course I decided to check on her but she threw a lamp at me and told me to get out or I'd regret it. I've sat here for hours now."
Lucifer looked at the house, hearing nothing but silence inside. Even it was dark inside, the windows didn't show any sign of light. He looked at the demons and hellhounds to see that they were surrounding them, each one was just as confused as he was.
"Stay out here," he mumbled and stepped onto the porch. Estrella didn't scare him, he dared her to throw a lamp at him. Once inside it was just as he expected, except warmer. He figured she was in the bedroom, so he cautiously made his way down the hallway, keeping his ears open for any sound. As Lucifer neared the shut door, he heard weeping. He opened the door and stepped into the dark bedroom, flicking on the light switch on the wall. Estrella laid under the blankets, weeping into her pillow. "Estrella?"
The crying quieted down and he approached her bed, grabbing the blankets and pulling them away. She lifted her head, revealing a tear-stained face with running mascara under her lashes.
"Get out!" Estrella screamed, tossing over onto the other side of the bed and getting up.
She still wore her work uniform, she didn't even care if she never took it off. The bed was between them and Lucifer studied her.
"What's your problem?"
"You're not supposed to be here, I don't want you here!"
Lucifer threw his hands up in the air, his face saying "well too bad" but she continued to cry. He couldn't figure out what was wrong, she looked physically fine and no one else was here or so he thought. As the silence fell between them, he began to hear a second heart beating. His lips pressed together firmly.
"Who's here, Estrella?" His voice was deep, sending chills down her spine.
She shook her head side to side.
"No one."
"Don't lie to me, I hear them! Who else is here with you?" Lucifer spat. "is that what's wrong with you?"
"No one is here!" she shouted and he began to become frustrated.
"Stop lying to me and tell me the truth!"
"You want the truth?" she snapped. "fine, I'll show you the truth!" she marched passed him and out the room, pushing the door roughly against the wall. Lucifer followed her to the bathroom, where she turned on the light and slammed something against his chest when he reached the doorway. "that's the truth!" Estrella spat. He looked down, taking something he has never seen before from her grasp but he saw the results clear as day as it stared him in the face. Pregnant. He didn't know what to say, his brain was trying to wrap around it and trying to comprehend how this had even happened. "I took four pregnancy tests and they were all positive! You told me I couldn't get pregnant, so tell me how I am!"
Lucifer looked at the counter to see the other three pregnancy tests lying beside the sink. He threw the test down on the floor, chuckling in anger.
"You tell me how you're pregnant, Estrella. Who else have you been with?"
She put her hands on her hips, staring at him in anger and hurt.
"Are you kidding me? I have only been with you!"
"Don't lie," he growled, stepping forward and towering over her. He stared down at her, feeling the jealously and wrath overwhelming him. "who is he?"
"You, you fucking asshole!" she shouted, shoving him away from her.
"I can't have children, that is not mine!"
"It is yours because you're the only guy I have had sex with, Lucifer. No one has been here." Estrella said through her teeth, trying to fight the tears. She was upset and very confused, all she wanted to do was figure things out before she told him but she didn't have the opportunity.
Lucifer couldn't believe that she was lying to him, he wanted to kill her. He wanted to end her life right now just because he knew she has been with someone else, there is no way in hell that she's carrying his child. His fists bawled together and he punched, missing her and putting a hole in her wall. Estrella was frightened and she ran out of the bathroom, trying to create distance between them but he was right on her heels.
"I'm warning you right now to stop lying to me, Estrella."
She couldn't hold back the tears any longer, they fell down her cheeks rapidly as she walked backwards into the bedroom while Lucifer followed.
"You got me pregnant." She stuttered fearfully. She did fear for her life right now.
"How?" Lucifer asked through his teeth.
"We had---"
"No! I want you to tell me how after all this time of screwing all of the women I have since I've been created, you're the only one to get knocked up!" He shouted and she shook her head side to side, feeling the wall against her back.
"I don't know, I'm just as confused as you are!"
"Are you?" He challenged, trapping her between the wall and him. Their faces were inches away and she heard the door slam shut, telling her that she had no way out. "want to explain what made you think to take a pregnancy test after you thought you couldn't get pregnant by me?"
She swallowed hard, trying to get the words to come out clearly but she stuttered every word.
"I thought my period was coming, it felt like that. But I threw up at work and felt nauseous afterwards so I asked to go home early, while in the Taxi I checked my phone's calendar because I do track my period and I have for years. I am four weeks late, Lucifer! That doesn't just happen. So, I went by the pharmacy. That's why I bought four tests, not just one because I wasn't expecting to have four positives!"
Lucifer stared into her eyes, seeing the fear and tears glistening in them. He was searching for the truth, he was searching for anything at the moment and he realized she was telling him the truth. Her heart was pounding loudly, he heard it. It wasn't skipping and she stared into his eyes, desperately trying to get him to believe her. Lucifer removed his hands, stepping back and she exhaled. She watched him carefully, still feeling like she wasn't safe. He was looking at the carpet, thinking about a billion things at once, then he looked up at the ceiling and said;
"How is this possible?"
"How could I have been with anyone else, Lucifer? I have hellhounds and demons taking every step I do. You would have known if anyone else was here."
Estrella was more than right, he would have been told by at least one demon because that's what they do. They look for any reason to torture humans and to ruin their lives, it would have been perfect. Lucifer looked at her, his bottom lip quivering and he began to approach her again. Her breath hitched, she didn't know what to expect when she felt his hand against her belly. Lucifer looked at her stomach, feeling the fabric against his palm when he mumbled.
"Its a girl."
Estrella looked down at his hand in disbelief, feeling the air leave her lungs. She just found out she was pregnant by the Devil almost two hours ago and now she finds out she's carrying a girl.
"H-How did you know that?"
"I'm an angel," Lucifer said under his breath and took his hand back. "I have to go."
"Why? What am I going to do, Lucifer?" She exclaimed, she didn't know if being alone was the best option right now.
"Nothing, you're going to do what you normally do. I need to find some things out, alright?"
Estrella nodded quickly, feeling uneasy that he was leaving but she couldn't stop him. Lucifer walked out of the bedroom, leaving her standing in a complete daze. This couldn't be real life, she couldn't believe any of this.

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