31 2 0

8 : 23 a.m.

We could hear creeking sounds of the wooden floor being stepped, currently the people here wants to find Michael, 1. Because he was supposed to work down at the engine station in order to let the ship move, 2. He was running around everywhere and messing things up.

Me and Michael remained quiet under the round table at the restaurant. The white cloth was the only thing to cover us and prevent us from being seen.

"You got us into big trouble Mike," I whispered, rolling my eyes playfully at him.

"You got us in trouble, not me." He said as he slapped my knee, not to hard so it'll not hurt me.

"How can I get us in trouble when trouble is your middle na-"

"Shh.." he cut me off by placing his index finger at my lips, "I think they're gone."

He peeked out, so did I. And there was no one there. Immediately, I got out from the table as Michael follows behind. We rushed to the exit.

"That was close," I said, letting out a relieved sigh.

Michael did nothing but just walking behind me, we are making our way back to my room. I could feel him giggling, smiling. He slowly got closer to me, I could feel a shiver sending up to my spine as he gets closer. This man can make me nervous in many ways.

I feel a slight tingle at my hand, Michael's finger brushing mine. I turn my eyes to look at him, he immediately took his hand back and look infront as if nothing happened.

And so I looked back infront. The little tingle started again, this time more obvious. I stared at my hand, discovering Michael's hand beside mine, his fingers trying to connect with mine.

He wanted to grab my hand.

I looked at at him, he glanced at me too. He gave me an embaressed, shy smile and looked back down, his hand almost being one with mine.

"Mallory Rose," I heard a familliar voice called out. Me and Michael's sight immediately turned to where the voice came from. We discovered my parents and one of the crew infront of us, and their faces was not pleasing at all.

The man cleared his throat, wiggled his feet a little. "I believe, this is your missing daughter?" He muttured. I took a close look at him, he was the man earlier at the art studio.

My mother stomped angrily towards us. She grabbed Michael's hand and smacked it away, she gave him a death glare as Michael was completely shocked.

She raised up her index finger and pointed at him, "I warn you, Jackson. If you don't stop this thing going on with my daugther, I am and I will report you for haressment." She said, poking Michael's chest as she said the word "haressment" with a strong accent.

"I did not haress your daughter," Michael grumbled, putting an accent on the word "haress". He rolled his eyes at her and smacked away her hand.

I'd never understand why they hate him so much, they treated him like a rat, and they only set the traps to attract him when they need him. And by "need him", to treat him like a damn slave.

"Now there, we don't need to start a fight," An old voice came into the scene, as we turned to the direction where the voice came from, the captain of the ship -- Captain Stine Edward C. was standing right there with his arms crossed behind. "You," He pointed his index finger at Michael, "I thought you were supposed to be at the engine room, now you're taking our respective passengers' dear daughter around for a tour?" He furrowed his eyebrows at Michael.

"Other than that he also hares-"

I interrupted my mother's word by speaking suddenly, "I was lost in the art studio and this young man actually helped me to find the way out. And one of your crew suddenly walked into us and I was too frightened at a sudden and started running, he managed to calm me down and bring me back." I stated, giving a fake smile to the captain.

"Is that so?" The captain tilted his head to a side slightly, furrowing one brow at me. I nodded as a response. He let out a relieved chuckle and lend a way for us, "well then, it's almost 8 : 30, do make your way to our restaurant and have your breakfasts."

"Thank you." I smiled, grabbing my mother's and my father's arm and immediately proceeding to the restaurant, before any other problems happen.

Michael's POV

I groaned in unsatisfactory, keeping my eye on Mallory as she walked away with her parents. She turned back to me and mouthed a "sorry", I flashed a slight smile to tell her that its okay.

I was interrupted as the captain cleared his throat in a sudden, to get my attention. I glanced at him.

"Well, you should get back to the engine room and start your work." He informed, crossing his hands back and lifted his chest up to show me how "high class" he is.

"Can I do my job at the restaurant?" I asked.

He raised a brow at me, "you want to be a waiter in our restaurant?" I nodded as a reply. He flashes an obvious fake smile at me, "no." was the only thing he said, he turned and left without saying another word.

"Like I'd care." I mumbled to myself, slowly jogging up to the restaurant near me.

As I reach to the entrance, the restaurant was already half crowded with people. Not much, this ship is still a ship for shipping goods, there are not much passengers here and so they treat them very luxuriously.

I scanned the surroundings, to find Mallory's figure in there. And so my eyes laid on her beautiful face, but not with a smile.

She was standing beside her mother's chair, looking down with her hands crossed behind. While her mother was pointing her finger at her. She was obviosly scolding Mallory for what she did.

Without any caution, I walked in and immediately took some food, for Mallory. I proceed to her way, she was already sitting down at her chair, she was still looking down and her face expression was depressed.

Since this restaurant had a buffet for their breakfast, her parents went for food. Leaving her little soul alone at the table. I smiled at her as I was behind her, lowering down to her and leaning close to her ear. "Let's go." I whispered.

I noticed a little tingle at her ear, her whole body moved a little as she was shocked. She turned her sight to me and gasps, "Michael." She called out.

"Lets not waste time, to the stern." I managed to balance the plate of food with one hand, my another hand grabbing hers and immediately making our way out of this place as we chuckle like two damn idiots.

UGH finally one more chapter, this is finally the seventh chapter, FINALLY.
Well, thats that. So, yeah.
Do check out my another story "Heart to Heart" while you wait for the update (;.

SS Chicora 1895 [m.j.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora