Stop being sorry

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Stop being sorry for the things you never did. Stop being sad because someone told you it was your mistake but in your heart you know it wasn't you. At first it will hurt because they are really close to your heart, but if they do not understand your value stop being bothered by their words. Do not entertain random people who compel you to be sorry for things you've got no control upon, they compel you to be sorry for how you look, how you think, what you wear, what you say, what you feel or what you write. Stop being sorry, because you're not sorry. I'm not saying you can never be wrong, it's human tendency to commit mistakes, you can't control it, some people are way too careful and commit less while some are careless and get themselves trapped in heaps of mistakes. Be sorry for the mistakes you did but not for the things you never did. Learn to stand up for yourself. Learn to voice your opinions. Learn to admit if you ever commit a mistake but learn to stop being sorry for things you never did.


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Thank you for so much love.
~ Anu 🙈

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