Don't Feel Bad For Feeling Bad

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People don't open up easily about how they feel because we often make them feel bad for feeling bad.

It's difficult to open up when you're constantly being made fun of, about what you feel and how you feel.

Each one of us have had such days when we couldn't stop feeling, no matter how much we tried or the days when we felt so much that eventually were numb about everything going on around.

Remember that, no matter what anyone says, you are allowed to feel hurt. You are allowed to feel bad. You are allowed to feel engulfed by pain and you do not need to apologise to anyone for how intensely you are feeling right now.

Your feelings are valid and it's okay if you feel too much or you feel so less. It doesn't make you weak. It's okay to feel and there is no need to feel bad for feeling bad.

© Anusmita Mukherjee

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