Getting To Know Andy! and more?

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-Jayy's POV-
Oh my god damn it Davh-! Why did he do this..? Probably for his amusement, I mean he knows I do like talking to people. Damn this man, I actually think I know him but what the hell is his name? "So uh whats your name?" I asked raising my head up and looking at him. "It's Andy.." He quietly, and shyly. Damn I thought I was shy, but Andy he's cute and shy. I nod. "Dahvie the dumb-ass over there already said my name, It's Jayy Von." I unbuckle and get out of the car. I'm even taller then him.. by and inch. Andy laughs slightly. His laugh is so adorable. "So Dahvie said you wanted to talk to me?" Andy confusingly said. "Know I just saw you and thought you was.. cute." I mumbled the last word. I'm so embarrassed fuck you Dahvie.
-Andy's POV-
Ok so I'm not getting kidnapped.. that's always good. Anyways I start talking to this guy, He's pretty funny. We sat in his car for about an hour talking before that Dahvie guy dared him to do one to many shots of Jack, And I don't know why but I didn't want him to do it alone so I took shots with you and being me by the 5 or 6 shot I was already drunk, him he seemed drunk. So again me and him start talking again but this time the party had gotten way to loud so we went upstairs to a random bedroom to talk. "Oh my god I'm drunker then Ashley." I said laughing and falling on the floor. Jayy went to help me up but I grabbed his arm and pulled him down making him fall on-top of me I push him off and sit up.
-Jayy's POV-
As soon as I fell on Andy I blushes purely red and laughed as his silliness. Andy curled up and laughed and i cover my face up so my blushing wouldn't be noticeable. "So like.. whats you sexuality?" I heard and say still laughing and blushing only slightly. "Why do you ask?" I said playing with the rips and tears in my pants. "Because Dahvie said 'Little Ball Of Gay.' when we first met about an hour and 30 minutes ago." He said messing with his hair. "Well i'm a little ball of gay.. I'm a gay person." I said scared to see what he thought. He kinda just shrugged it off and messed with his hair some more. I mess with mine. I heard him laughing a few times, then finally he tackles me and my hearts pounding against my chest. He didn't do anything for about a minute he just stared at me, then due to his drunkenness he passes out still on me. God fore-bid he wakes up because my heart won't shut the fuck up and stop beating so god damn loud. I'm now blushing brightly and noticeable and I can't do anything about it because he's on-top of me sleeping.
-Dahvie's POV-
I look around searching for Jayy then ask a few people. "Hey do you know where my friend Jayy went? He's wearing pretty much all red and black?" I ask a guy with a white shirt and vest on clearly drunk. "No man.. I know where my friend Andy is but that all." He slurred his words. I turn back around towards him. "Andy? where is he." I said taking the chance that the Andy he was talking about was the Andy Jayy had a man-crush on. "Upstairs, third door to the right." He said pointing upstairs.. I walk upstairs and turn to the right opening the door I was told he was in. The I see the same Andy.. asleep on Jayy. "Good for you buddy?!" I loudly whispered trying to wake Andy but but also trying to make it look like it wasnt my fault. "Dude shut it I don't want to wake him." Jayy hissed silently. "Ok ok but really I thank I need a thank-you." I declared sticking my nose up all preppy like. I got a smile out of Jayy then he said. "Thanks brother."
-Andy's POV before he went to sleep-
I can proudly say to myself that I have a man-crush on a guy that I just meet. I mess with hair I get a few ideas in my head and laugh then I stuck with one and tackled Jayy. My makeup covered my blush but I can surly say that I was blushing pure red. I look at him for a minute I mean I tackled him.. now what? How does this play out? I ended up not doing anything and I just pass out but still on Jayy and woke up the next morning.

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