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-Jayy's POV-

It's been four weeks since I had the wreck. Today is the day I get to finally leave the hospital. Andy has been here the whole time while I was. "Hey Jayy are you ready?" I heard Andy say as he threw me a pare of cloths he had Dahvie go and get for me. "Yeah.. I'm going to go change." I picked up the cloths he threw and walked in to the bathroom. As I was changing I noticed the huge scar on my stomach were the glass from the window broke and cut into me. "Damn." I said quietly to myself the proceed to change. I walk out and Andy emitatly wraps his arms around my neck and kissed me. "Let's go." He grabbed my hand and led me out. Dahvie was in the waiting room he sighs me out and we all get in Andy's car because mine it fucking totaled. "So where to now?" Andy asked starting up the car. "I don't know.. are you hungry?" Dahvie asked looking at me. "Yes I'm fucking starving. Hospital food is always tasting like shit I just decided not to eat anything." I told them rolling down my window. "Ok then.. Where to eat?" Dahvie said. Andy was laughing. "First off.. I don't care where we eat just as long as I fucking eat. Second of all.. Andy do you want to give you a reason to laugh.. mkay pshh." I said snapping my fingers and looking as Andy who was Trying his hardest not to laugh. Andy and Dahvie stop the car and look at me. "What?" I asked. Andy began driving again. We stopped at a little café that opened up not to long ago. "Are you kidding me.. a café? All they'll have will be muffins. Imma eat all their Damn muffins!' I declared Andy laughs again. "Let's go feed you." Andy said.
-Jayy's thoughts-

Day after tomorrow is Andy's birthday so I want to do something nice for him. What does he enjoy? ..Red wine.. and me.. hopefully. Cold ass picnic it is.. no fuck a picnic. I don't know.. I'll just take him out to diner then when he gets back I'll have Black Veil Brides crew and the Blood crew .at the house waiting for him.. I'll have Dahvie charge of the house party.. and I'll I need to do is make sure nothing happens to Andy.
-Andy's POV-

We walk into the diner and already Jayy at the menu looking for food. He orders a lot of food and he then turns around to face me. "Food. actual and hopefully good food." He said as his eyes lite up. "Yes." I said laughing. We all take a seat and Jayy's food comes. Me and Dahvie look at him as he eats. "Where the he'll does the food go?" I asked jokingly. Jayy laughs. "No one knows." I heard Dahvie say. Jayy laughs again and Dahvie pays for his food willingly. "Great let's go home now.." I heard Jayy say. "First we have to get Dahvie to the 'Blood Manor'." I said. Jayy sighed then yawned.

We get in the car and take Dahvie home. Then started to head home. Once we got home I set down my cigarettes and lighter then started to walk upstairs. Jayy started to follow me and as I go into our room Jayy slides thru the space between the door and door frame and door holds me aginsed the door closing it. "Jayy?" I asked looking into jayy eyes. He smirked then kissed me I kiss back then he starts kissing at my neck searching for my soft spot once he found it I bit my lip trying not to moan. Once I did he smirked and bit gently on the spot causing me to moan again. I slid from between the wall and Jayy and start walking to the bed only to get pushed on the bed by Jayy. Jayy had climbed ontop of me and brushed the hair out of my eyes. "What are you doing?' I asked being held down by Jayy and when I said 'held down' I mean he had my hands held down he was sitting on my upper legs and was about two inches from my face. "Nothing.." He smirked. "Sure.." I rolled my eyes and smiled. He closed his eyes and moved closer to my lips and kissed me he bit gently down on my lower lip. I smiled and he took he's chance to put his tongue in my mouth.
-Jayy's POV-

I held down Andy and started kissing him I break the kiss to breath and he raises up so I take yet another opportunity but this time I took his shirt off and began to kiss him again.

------------------------And I'm going to let you imagine what's next----------------------------

Rebel LoveStrucked (Andy SIXX+Jayy Von=Jandy FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang