Last Chapter.

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Sorry about the lack of updating. I had to put two songs together and it took alot of time to do, but for you I would do this. Enjoy this chapter for it is the last. I'm so happy about the outcome of this story. I want to know if I should make a sequel if you decide yes The I will put up an author's note on this story, So do not delete this story if you want to know what the story will be called. I love you all, Thanks so much for reading. Enjoy.

-Jayy's POV-

'Hey, Jayy I think your and my band should do A song together.' I heard Andy say. 'Oh yeah, and which one of mine and with one of yours?" I asked looking at him, Me and him are both at the same studio talking to our bands about something. 'Well, I can do 'Rebel Love Song.. You an Dahv- can think of a song to do.' Andy explained. 'Well, How about 'Love-struck?' I asked. Andy hummed something then looked at me. 'Yeah! That's perfect.' Andy gave me a warm smile. I smile back at him. 'So, whens our next show together?' I asked. 'Sometime next week.' Andy replied. 'Great, let's get started on this song.' I said grabbing a note book from my night stand and laying beside Andy on the bed, He did the same and we worked on putting Rebel Love Song and LoveStruck together. We decided to call the song shipping name, 'Rebel LoveStrucked. 'Hows this, Will start with my song then after my thing here, The music will start to fade and turn into you're song?' 'Perfect, I can't wait!' 'I can't either, You know their will be criticizer.. I mean my fans don't really like you.' 'I don't care, I care about the one I love, and my fans but if they hate you.. why should I care.. I love you' 'I love you to.' Me and Andy had a talk after the writing was done. It was about 3;30 am and me and him where not really tired, not to mention the concert was hours away. I started tugging at Andy's shirt, bringing him closer to me. Andy pins me to the bed, and starts kissing at me neck to find my soft spot. Once he did I let out a soft moan, Then I grab him by the waist and make him crash into my thighs. He smiled at this then I started kissing him on the lips softly, I licked his bottom lip asking for a way in, Once him denied, He started kissing at me. He did the same and licked mt bottom lip, I allowed access and he explored my mouth.


It was time for the concert, We decided to do this at a BvB concert, and have BOTDF fans come. I sit in the back with My band mates with their Guitars, and Jayy and Dahv- with them selves. I'm sitting with Jayy.. Well more like cuddling on the couch. Many fans with back stage cases came in and took pictures of Jayy and I. Jayy was mostly asleep, Damn he was so cute. I sighed when all the fans left the watch the show, Man I love my Fans,, their so supportive. Well, I get to see plenty more fans then just the 7 or 14 that came back.

I was the first one to come on stage. BOTDF fans was confused, They thought it was just a BOTDF concert. I grab the mic, and then Jayy made his way onto sage, Then the crowd went nuts. 'Hello fuckers.' Jayy grabbed the mic from me and said. The crowd screamed. 'Im Andy, by the way, BOTDF fans.. Jayy's Husband.' I said into the mic, The crown went silent. 'Holy shit, Andy I forgot to tell them that we got married.' Jayy stated. 'Well, Jayy and I are married.' I said trying not to laugh. 'Okay so what we have here today it a shipping, Not Jandy like some of you have made up when our relation ship started. I'm talking about song shipping and what that is, It's two songs put together. We have My song, Rebel Love Song, and Blood On The Dance Floor's AMAZING song LoveStruck, So with them two song, we made the song.. Rebel.. LoveStruck. Enjoy this.

The music starts off as 'RLS' or 'Rebel Love Song' Andy is the only one singing at this point.

I can not hide, Whats on my mind.

I feel it, Burning deep inside.

A passion crime, To take whats mine.

Let us start living for today!

Rebel LoveStrucked (Andy SIXX+Jayy Von=Jandy FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now