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-Andy's PROV-

I walk up in pure pain and not being able to move. I open my eyes and look around.. hospital. "H-Hello?" I say quietly. No one comes. I raise up only to fall back down in pain. "Ah! What the hell?!" I yell in pain. A doctor rushes in. "Lay back down Andrew." She said with a soothing voice. I lay back down and she gives me a few pain killers and turns on the TV for me then leaves. I'm sitting here in pain, the pills don't do shit and she turns the TV on and leaves.. THANKS. I slowly drift to sleep I try to fight it but I found myself giving in and closing my eyes. I hear then door open and I expected a doctor or.. Jayy. Dahvie walks in. "Hey their." He said walking in and closing the door. "Hi" I said breathing in pain. "So uh sorry about.. Ya' know Daniel jumping you." He said sitting in a chair. "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who decided to follow him, but then again he had a gun at my face." I rambled. "Yeah, well he's been arrested.." Dahvie said turning the TV off. "Damn things to loud." He says soon after. I chuckle then hold my side. "So what the fuck happened, I mean what did you say to Daniel do that caused him to get pissed?" Dahvie asked. "I said nothing.. me and Jayy got into a 'fight' and we broke up... Wait! Where's Jayy?!" I cut myself off and ask Dahvie about Jayy. "He's outside." Dahvie hesitated. "Ok ok.. Me and Him broke up and I went to go look for him. Daniel stoped me when I was on the side walked and told me to follow him. I said no, but the he said jayy was their. I follow him then I asked him his name. He said his name was Daniel so I pull away from his grip and he put a gun to my face and pulls me to where no people were. He says 'Stay away from Jayy or this will happen.' The he hits me with what a metal bat. I fell and started coughing up blood. Then I heard Jayy's voice. He said something after he said my name but I blacked out." I explained still breathing in pain.

"Yeah I did say something." A voice came from the entrance of the room. Jayy stood their He looked terrible. His hair was all messed up his makeup streamed down his face. "Jayy?" I asked. Dahvie left the room. "Hey." He said tying to wipe the eyeliner that had made it's way down his face as he was crying. "You look fine, leave you makeup alone." I said. He lowers his hands and sits down where Dahvie was. "Not fun being in a hospital bed huh?" He said smiling. "No I'm in so much pain, At lest you got to sleep it out." I respond. "Yeah well sorry about Daniel." He apologized. "It's fine. I said. "No it's not I should of stopped him but I was so scared to come into contacted with both of my ex's that was once was my fiance and they both cheated on me.. Well one wanted to cheat. You...I hope you didn't mean to cheat." He started rambling. "I didn't I swear on everything.. I kissed back but the way she looked at you I couldn't believe she had did that to ruin you and me." I started apologized. "I don't think this can work Andy.."  He said. I stared tearing up. "But.. I'll try and make it work if you will help me." He said as soon as a tear escaped from my eyes. I smiled and nodded. Then a doctor came in and gave Jayy a sickened glare. "Boo?" He said looking at her. "Well Andy you free to leave now. You nearly broke your ribs I think if you was hit any harder, your ribs would've snapped." She explained then gave a another glare at Jayy. "Dude really what are you looking at?!" Jayy said rather pissed at her. "I just hate BloodOnTheDanceFloor." She said. "Awe that's cute. You think I actually give a fuck!" Jayy said. I hid my laugh. She gave another glare at Jayy. Jayy shot up at her. "Look at me again bitch. She flinched. "Sir get out of my face or I'll have you removed from this hospital." She said scared slightly. Jayy was about 2 in a half feet taller then her no wonder why she was scared. "Jay y come on now leave her alone." I said laughing. I feel like a dick but I couldn't help it. Jayy backed off then she walks off. 

-Hours later Jayy's POV-

I help Andy to the apartment and walk with him to the couch. "Thanks." He said. "Mhmm. So about the wedding-" He cut me off. "If you want to continue then I do to." He said. I smiled and nod my head. He gets up and struggles to walk over to the counter and walks back. "What did you do?" I questioned. He held my hand up and slids then ring I had taken off before I left. I smile again and so does he. "Lets go to bed.. you need rest." I said helping him off the couch and up the satires.

Rebel LoveStrucked (Andy SIXX+Jayy Von=Jandy FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now