W i s h e s

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When you were little, you wished to be a fairy tale princess, in a land filled with unicorns and rainbows, cotton candy clouds and gumdrop trees, trapped in a tower guarded by a dragon waiting for your prince to come

But now you wish that you were  not spoon fed lies from the jar of deceit that the world seems to keep close by.

Society forcing you to eat from a gold spoon they stuck in your mouth after tricking you into thinking they were good for the world

You wish that you could spit out the green pea tasting anger and orange flavored fear onto the bib of hopelessness you wear around your neck on a day to day basis.

You want to throw up the peaches tasting of inequality because they carve a hole so deep in your stomach when you cry it's not because your hungry.

Society treats you like the baby they wish to keep sheltered from the truth so they change you on a table of security,

Swaddling you in a blanket of overbearing suffocation.

Covering you in a false sense of hope that the world will become a better place

They, however, forgot to cover your eyes,

And you see the horror of the world unfurl around you.

The people wasting their last breaths in a childlike scream,

Grasping for society's attention only to give back a handful of chewed up cheerios they throw in your face,

And society forgives them because in their eyes we are just children we know no better.

So they put us in timeout, but instead of corners it's a jail cell,

Four brick walls caving in around us until we scream for our mommy.

They punish us, but instead of a quick slap to the hand, it's a bullet to the chest of the black man who was just getting out of the car to do what the officer asked,

But because of his skin tone, the white officer said he pulled the trigger because he was"defending" himself, because he felt "threatened".

It is the young black teen being forced to kneel before those who enslaved his ancestors and when he gets up because he only kneels before god, he is sent to meet his maker earlier than what was intended

But when a white man decides to go on a killing spree, he is deemed "emotionally unstable" and sent to sit in the corner instead of being sentenced to death for taking the lives of people he had no right to.

Society sets us up on play dates where the men get the bigger more expensive toys and the women are left to play with the broken, cheaper play things.

When it's time for our allowance, the men get the five and ten dollar bills to go spend on the shiny new race car, and the women get the quarters and told to go buy themselves something pretty.

But nobody seems to notice because "oh doll face, sit there and smile." They wish for trophies, mindless zombies, not people.

Because society wishes to keep them in a shell where they are meant to bare children and deal with the bullshit that they put us through.

Which include but not limited to, unequal pay, gender roles, body image issues, the fact they expect us to sit there and accept that they can take away our rights to our bodies.

Telling us that we will be charged with murder because of miscarriages, abortion is illegal, but still won't help fund better sexual education programs, take away luxury tax on necessities for the bodies they wish to own, help educational practices for the youth of our world, Fix the amount of children put into the system

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