I c r y f o r y o u

38 1 1

It's one of those days where I just sit and cry.
I cry for those whose parents disown them for what they are
Whether it be trans, gay, bi, lesbian, pan whatever YOU IDENTIFY AS
I cry for the people going through conversion therapy
I cry for the men, women, children, girls, boys, everybody who has been raped and told it was their fault
I cry for the little boy in my neighborhood who committed suicide at 9 years old and my best friend who I lost three years ago to suicide and for the people I don't even know who feel so unsafe that they take their own lives.
I cry for everybody going through something.
I cry for the men who are self conscious and the women who are self conscious too.
I cry for the lady who is being denied the right for an abortion and for the selfish bastard who won't let her do it
I cry for the people who are objectified for their looks
I cry for the Muslim girl who has had her hijab ripped away from her and put through such a deep sense of mortification that she can't even move
If I haven't said anything pertaining to you
Just know that I'm with you and I care
And I cry for you every night
And feel your pain
You are so worth it
You are worth this and much more
I cry for you
MY tears are real
I cry for you.

Late Night ThoughtsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum