a c h a n g e i n t a s t e

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I had always been a coffee kind of girl
Frappuccinos, iced coffee, heated drinks that would make my soul come alive
It gave me the rush I needed
Speeding everything up, making days blur into nothing

And then I met her
When I saw her I was buying keurig pods for my busted down coffee machine
The 3 boxes of 8 dollar vanilla starbucks pods in hand
I didn’t mean to stare but I did

I made it look normal though
Only peeking out the corner of my eye
It was hard to not look at her
The air of confidence that surrounded her

Her black her a straight wave behind her
Swishing as she switched her weight from hip to hip
A lip pulled between her teeth as she looked at the rows and rows of different teas

Her eyes contemplative
Looking down at the two boxes in her hand
Like a lightbulb they lit up as she made her decision

She turned my way
The box in her grasp
Quickly trying to get out of her path, I fell

The three boxes in my hand being thrown across the aisle
She quickly rushed to my aid
Pulling me up as she checked me over

Looking into those caramel colored eyes
The same shade as the chamomile tea in her hand
I realized maybe I could have a change in taste.

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