p r e - r o l l e d b l u n t s

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My life is like a pre rolled blunt
Ready to be lit aflame at the simplest flicker of light
Still plagued in darkness hidden in the carved out book I keep in my closet
A never-ending smell of that marijuana perfume.

I. I was never lit. Every spark never made it past that seal. To bad, the feeling of euphoria would have been magical.

It was always darkness. It surrounded me, clouded my mind, made me think things that would bring a grown man to tears. One fire is all I ask.

II. It's an addiction. That never seeming to end kind of thirst for a hit of the devils lettuce. They told me to stray far from the sinner's garden. I never listened.

My tendencies leaving me bloody, misty eyed, and hurt. Snakes whisper, get into your head, leave you doing things you shouldn't. Too bad they slither through the grass where I spend my time.

III. I pollute the air. Every time I breathe it seems as though the pungent vapor I've come to love is only a clouded lie of happiness.

The whispers get louder, the snakes yelling. A burden, you shouldn't be here, you don't deserve anything. The whispers turn to screams and those screams lead to sobs. And I cover my ears to drown them out until I realize it is me who makes those noises.

IV. I should have listened. I never listen. Now with a glazed over look in Satan's eyes, I take a puff to fall faster.

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