i n f a t u a t i o n

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Part 2 to First Glance,meant to be read in the perspective of the girl with the short hair

They were happy that day, the group
As they walked into the retro diner
Music blaring from the juke box in the corner
Their laughter died down, as they got closer
Closer to the food that would sedate their hunger
Something sparkled in the corner of her eye
A reflection off  black glasses
Dark eyes that stared into her soul
A girl...
Her hair, a mess of kinky curls on her head
Her lips painted a blood red
They twitched into a smile...
A smile that thrilled you
It excited you
It infatuated you
Then she looked down
Furiously scribbling in her notebook
Your friends, food in hand, pulled you away
Out the door
And you were gone

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