t h e o c e a n s a n g e l

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As I sit by the ocean gazing out into the sea foam green waves with hints of blue from the sky above,
I imagine the face of an angel.

Whos hair looks as though it were spun from gold.
The blue of the clear sky dulls in comparison to her eyes.
And just like the ocean's waves that crash down and spray water onto us, her eyes sometimes harden and those tears slip.

When the sun shines brightly above, casting an ethereal glow around her,
it captures the attention of all.
Her lips a pale pink set into a pout reflecting sadness her eyes cannot convey

But when this lips curve into a smile,
I swear the clouds part and the angels sing.
The white of her smile does nothing but add onto her beauty as the clouds do the sky.

So as I sit by the ocean,
eyes closed, head tilted back, smile on my face listening to the crashing waves,
I imagine the face of an angel.

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