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A/N: I will be shipping Breez and Surge in this cause I just ship them together cause I see them as a perfect match.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!

Aurora's Point of View:

I woke up hearing some noises from downstairs, I was still in Stormer's chest which I'm surprised I didn't blush.

I turned over to where I was laying on my stomach.

I started shaking him trying to wake him up, his baby blue eyes(?) lit up showing he was awake.

He looked at me as if he was concerned.

"What's wrong Aurora?" He asked me "I hear someone downstairs. I think someone else is in the house." I told him.

"Your probably hearing things Aurora...." I heard Steph say tiredly as she rubbed her eyes as she was still in Ferno's lap.

I sighed thinking she was right........

Till I looked at her desk seeing the figures of Breez and Surge were GONE!

"Steph. You didn't happen to move the figures of Breez and Surge?" I asked her.

She looked at the desk squinting her eyes which widened after a few seconds.

"Ferno, wake up!" Steph yelled hitting Ferno upside his head.

Ferno's eyes lit up quickly as he looked at Steph.

"Why did you hit me?" He asked a little agitated.

"Oh just to wake you up because I think Breez and Surge are like you guys and are downstairs." She told him.

"How are you sure about that?" I told them.

"Only one way to find out." Ferno said as he pulled out his blaster.

Stormer followed his lead and pulled out his and they started walking to the door.

I followed behind them.

"Wait!" Steph said making us look at her.

She grabbed her glasses and put them on.

"Ok, now I'm ready." She said.

Stormer and Ferno deadpanned at her.

"What? I'm basically blind without them." She told them.

"She's telling the truth." I told them.

We walked into the dark hallway and started walking down it to the stairwell.

The only light I could see was Stormer and Ferno's glowing eyes.

I stayed behind Stormer while Steph stayed behind Ferno.

Stormer's free hand grabbed mine with our fingers interlocking.

A rose blush creeped on my face as he did.

What has been up with him lately? We made it to the stairs hearing two voices.

We started quietly creeping down it making sure not to alert them.

We made it down the stairs and started tip toeing to the living room where as we got closer to it it got louder.

We made it to the living room entry way as the voices were clear as they could be.

"Breez we need to figure out where we are, and if the others are here." A male voice that sounded EXACTLY like THE Mark Surge's.

"I know Surge but can't we just take a few minutes to have some time to ourselves." A female voice that sounded EXACTLY like THE Natalie Breez's.

"I guess..." The male voice possibly Surge said.

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