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Aurora's Point of View:

I sighed as I made it back in my apartment and closed the door behind me.

I plopped on the couch and slumped.

I already Stormer, Breez, and Surge were on patrol with Ferno, Bulk, and Stringer.

And I didn't want to bother Steph, and Chief was working on a way to bring them home.

Sooooo, I was alone now.

After an hour of scrolling through Netflix for something to watch.

My mind began to wander.

What would it be like with the others back in their world.

I mean.

Me and Steph would be safe from the villains.


She would miss Ferno so much.

While as for I.....

I would be insane without Stormer.....

I felt a freezing tear from my powers escape my eye.

I let out a light sob as I put down the remote.

I curled up into a ball on the couch and began to cry as I let out light sobs every now and then.

I couldn't imagine a life without Stormer....

I finally figured out, after all my entire life of being a fan of the show and him, what I thought of him, and now I'm his girlfriend too........

It's gonna drive me insane without him here when they all go back to their world......

Especially with all of my bullies here.

They just want me dead and no one besides Steph and the others cared if I died or not.......

It had been for what seemed like five hours but really was five minutes of my crying mixed light sobbing.

I heard,

"Aurora. Are you ok?" I heard Breez ask.

I sniffled as I wiped my tears away with my jackets sleeve.

I looked seeing the three counting my boyfriend leader back.

"Y-ya.... I-I'm f-fine.... R-r-really..." I lied.

I wasn't fine.

I didn't want them to leave.

Stormer sighed.

He looked at Breez and Surge.

"I'll talk to her and in her room." He told them.

They nodded.

"Got it chief." Breez said.

Stormer picked me up and began to carry me to my room.

I didn't even blush.

He opened my door, surprisingly, with his hand while carrying me still.

I don't know how really.

He just did.

He placed me on my bed and sat next to me.

I curled up into a ball on my side again.

I heard him sigh.

"I need you to sit up Aurora." He told me.

I shook my head.

He sighed.

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