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Time skip to 10 years later......

Aurora's Point of View:

It's been ten years since the others went back to their world.

Me and Steph were now both twenty six.

Our lives have been hectic since the others left.

But me and Steph managed to keep our promise, of Always remembering them and Always being best friends.

Currently I was sitting in the living room of my apartment watching LEGO HeroFactory.

I sighed seeing Stormer.

I miss him so much.

The door was being knocked on making me stand up after pausing the episode and walk to the door.

I opened revealing a tear filled Steph.

I gasped as I took her inside seeing her face was a bit scratched up.

I closed the door with my foot.

"Steph what happened?" I asked as we sat at the couch.

"M-My grandmother. She said it was my fault that mom and dad are in prison. When they deserved it for everything they did." she said.

I sighed.

"It's so hard to stay alive Aurora." she said.

"When we can't deal without being without them. I MISS FERNO TO DAMN MUCH!" she yelled at the end.

I sighed.

"I miss Stormer. I just don-"

I then thought of something that I remembered.

I pulled something out of my bag.

The portal device that Chief made to go back to their world.

"Y-You still have it Aurora?" she asked sounding shocked.

"Yup. I thought that one day. We could use this to go to their world and be with them." I told her smiling.

She smiled brightly as if she was from an anime.

"Let's head."

We had the portal open.

I grabbed Steph's hand.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready to get out of this shit world and see everyone again." Steph said.

I nodded.

We walked through the portal and were engulfed by a bright light.

We opened our eyes seeing it was almost dark.

We were here.

MakoHero City at the HeroFactory.

We looked around amazed.

We were here.

I looked seeing one of the bots we missed.

"SURGE!" I yelled.

Said bot looked at us and turned shocked mixed amazed and happy.

"AURORA! STEPH!" he yelled as he ran to us and tackled me and Steph in a tight hug.

Me and Steph laughed as we hugged back.

"We all missed you two." he said happily.

"Same here." I said.

"Agreed." Steph said.

We let go of the hug.

"Come on! Chief missed you too!" he said happily.

Turned Real [LEGO Hero Factory/OG ORIGINAL VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now