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Aurora's Point of View:

It was the day.

The day that they all go back to their world.

I was dreading this day along with Steph.

We were in the garden of Steph's mansion as Chief had the device ready and had the portal opened.

Me and Steph hugged Breez after hugging Bulk, Stringer, Surge, and Chief.

"We'll miss you." Breez said.

"We'll miss you guys too..." Steph said.

We broke from the hug and went to who we were dreading to say bye to.

Ferno and Stormer.

Our own boyfriends.

Steph hugged Ferno and began to cry.

Pretty sure I saw a tear escape Ferno too.

I looked back at Stormer who was emotionless as fuck.

I hugged him tightly which he immediately hugged back.

I began to sob lightly into Stormer's HeroCore.

He had his face buried in my hair.

"I'll miss you so fucking damn much." I said.

"Same." he said sounding like he was gonna cry.

I looked up and he kissed me passionately.

I immediately kissed back.

Guess this was our final kiss.

We broke from the kiss and he wiped my tears away with his thumbs.

We broke from the hug and they began walking into the portal.

Stormer stopped and looked at me seeing my tears.

He sighed as he turned and walked into the portal.

The portal closed now that everyone was back in their world.

I couldn't keep it in anymore.

I broke down into sobs as I got on my knees of the grass.

Steph hugged me as she sobbed also.

I hugged her back.

After about two minutes of sobbing we managed to calm down.

"Are we gonna be alright without them?" Steph asked.

I sighed.

"I'm not sure... but I know one thing." I said.

"What's that?" she asked.

I held my pinkie out.

"We're gonna remember them and he best friends, forever and always." I said.

Steph smiled and she grasped her pinkie in mine and we made our promise.

"Forever and always." we said in sync.

We looked up to the sky.

Hoping one day.

We'll be with them again....

One day.....

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