2(Steph's Version)

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Stephanie's Point of View:

I ran to my room wanting to get away from my 'parents' as they were drunk before they left for their business trip.

I slammed my door behind me and locked it with all its locks.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my red hair as I slid down the door.

I sighed as I pulled out my phone.

I saw it was almost midnight.

I sighed as I walked to my closet and changed from my outfit to my pj's which were a Hello Kitty onesie.

I closed my closet doors and turned back around seeing my Ferno figure looking at me.

I blush a VERY dark crimson.

Did my figure just watch me change clothes?

I sighed shaking my head as I plopped face first on my bed.

I felt being watched again making me look to see,


"What the fuck?" I muttered.

I took off my glasses, rubbed my eyes, cleaned my glasses, and put them back on.

Still the same shit.

I saw a shooting star and quickly sat up grabbing my figure and holding him in my chest as I closed my eyes.

"I wish that..... Everything would change......" I muttered unhearable to the human hearing.

I sighed as I smiled lightly.

I opened my eyes and kissed where my Ferno figures lips would be.

I placed him on my bed side table and took off my glasses and turned off my light and went to bed.

I woke up to my something being messed with.

I slowly opened my eyes and the moonlight provided me with the light to see.

I quietly sat up putting my glasses on and my jaw dropped seeing.

THE William Ferno, in front of me, messing with my music box I got from my grandfather.

He looked at me and his hand slowly went to his blaster.

"WAIT!" I yelled putting my arms in front of me.

He raised a brow(?).

"I'm not gonna cause any trouble. Even though this is my house." I said.

He sighed as his hand went away from his blaster.

I turned on my light and rubbed my eyes a bit moving my glasses up a bit.

I looked at my alarm clock seeing it was 2 in the morning.

Even Aurora wouldn't be up.

"Holly shit. Damn it's early. And yet I feel wide awake." I muttered.

He chuckled lightly.

I looked at him and smirked lightly.

"What's got you so laughy?" I asked him still smirking.

"The fact that your able to fucking cuss in this damn situation." He said still chuckling a bit.

I giggled lightly.

"Well, unlike my best friend Aurora, who stays serious, I'm always in the mood to lighten it up." I said smiling a bit.

He chuckled a bit louder.

Hopefully my 'parents' were gone now.

"She sounds a bit like Stormer." He said.

"Well not really." I began.

"She can have fun. And she's not a buzz kill." I sad laughing at the thought.

Then I realized I fucked myself there.

He raised a brow(?).

"Wait, how do you know about us?" He asked me warningly.

And things with my favorite hero were going soooo well.

I laughed nervously pushing my hair out of the way of my face.

"Wellllll, me and my best friend Aurora know you guys.... Well.... You guys aren't supposed to be real. You guys are supposed to be from a tv show and your supposed to be a figure I own....." I said scared.

He looked a bit shocked actually.

He then sighed.

"That makes sense of me being here." He said.

I laughed nervously.

"Ya... I guess...." I said rubbing the back of my head.

I sighed looking at my hands.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I looked up then smiled warmly.

"It's Stephanie Ruby FireStorm. But you can call me Steph for short." I said still smiling.

He smiled.

"Nice name." He said.

I smiled normally.

"Thanks." I thanked him.

"And I can already guess you already know who I am." He said.

I nodded smiling brightly.

"Yup! William Ferno. The rookie of Alpha Team." I said then quickly slapped my hands over my mouth them muttered and 'ow' as I took them off my mouth.

He chuckled.

"It's ok." He said.

"It's good I don't have to explain myself to you." He said.

"Well." I began pushing my glasses up my nose.

"I still have to explain myself to you." I said smiling.

He chuckled at my hyperness.

"Alright." He said.

We began talking for what seemed for the entire night or until sunrise.

I knew I fell asleep along with Ferno.

I just didn't know WHERE or HOW we fell asleep.

How's THAT for a chapter of a redo that's in Steph's version of chapter 2?

Turned Real [LEGO Hero Factory/OG ORIGINAL VERSION]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें