Just the girl for me

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Harry's POV
I walk into Uma's room and see a bunch of water bottles and aspirin pills and I see her walk out the bathroom with a towel covering her body

Uma:Turns out I'm pretty bad at hangovers

I chuckle and clean up the water bottles and let her get dressed

Uma:So did you tell anybody about the other night?

Harry:Our secret is safe love

I pick up a beer bottle and throw it in the trash

Uma:Harry I don't need you to help me around my dorm

Harry:Uma I want to

I wrap my arms around Uma and put her on a dresser and kiss her neck and she pushes me off

Uma:Harry c'mon stop it was a one time thing


Uma:I told you before I only want to be friends

Harry:Uma I don't want to be friends I want to be with you I want to hold you at night and kiss you when you have morning breath I want to see you at every game and I want you to see him rooting for you because I know your the best damn swimmer on the team

Uma:Harry you broke up with me

Harry:I can't count I'm an idiot


Harry:I just want to have one more chance

Uma looks at me and stares into my eyes closing hers trying to not show her tears

Uma:Don't do this it was too hard getting over you

Harry:So your over me now

I caress Uma's face as she tries her best not to look at me

Harry:Just like that we're done?

I feel Uma's hand push mine off and I feel Uma's lips on mine

Harry:So what are we doing

Uma:Giving each other a second chance

Harry:Uma don't toy with my feelings

Uma:I promise

Harry:I love you so much

Uma:I love you too

I wrap my arms around Uma's neck and kiss her


Harry:Where are we going

Uma:We're gonna have a little fun of our own

Harry:Uma Ursula I like what you're thinking

10 minutes later

Harry:Sex under the moonlight

Uma:Sex?Harry no I'm celibate

Harry:What about the other night

Uma:It was the beers

Harry:I don't believe that one bit but ok

I grab Uma's hand and help her on the boat

Harry:Did you ever think about kids?


Uma starts rubbing her arms trying to get warm

Harry:Babe your cold aren't you


I take off my letterman jacket and give it to Uma

30 minutes later

Harry:So I was thinking Bennet and Charles if boys for a girl Ashley or Jessica



Uma:I want a Jr

Harry:Uma Jr

Uma bursts out in laughter and playfully shoves me

Uma:No I wanna Harry Jr another hook in our family

I unlock my door and open the door and take my shirt off

Harry:You gonna get ready for bed or you just gonna stay out there

Uma walks in my room and takes her shirt off and puts her hair in a bun leaving me flustered and excited if you know what I mean



Uma:You ok

Harry:Yeah I'm fine

Uma:You sure you seem sick

Harry:Yeah I'm fine

Uma sits on my bed and wraps her arms around my waist as I try to sit up

Harry:What are you doing?

Uma:I wanna cuddle



I lay down behind Uma and wrap my arm around her pecking her neck


Harry:Goodnight love

I put my hands in Uma's shorts attempting to get them warm and fall asleep

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