The sea 3 adventure

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Gil's POV

I walk in Harry's room and see a shirtless Harry and Uma sleep cuddling with Micheal

Harry:What are you doing here

Gil:Dude Uma did you notice anything weird about Uma lately

Harry:No not since Micheal got out the hospital

Gil:How is he alive we watched him die

Harry:We share a heart

Gil:Oh Well dude Uma's been skipping classes, crying herself to sleep, Crying in class

Harry:Wait what?


Harry pushes me out the room and closes the door behind him

Harry:What do you think is wrong

Gil:I mean a lot maybe the stress of being captain finally got to her

Harry:No it can't be that Uma has been taking a leave since that Micheal thing

Gil:Then what?

Harry:Her brother

Gil:What about him

Harry:She hasn't seen him in months I'm the only one who has

Gil:Where is he

Harry:Her mom sent him to neverland

Gil:So we go to neverland



Harry:Gil...WE CAN'T

Gil:Why not

Harry:Because Micheal

Gil:He can go with us he'll have an actual experience with the ocean and it's good for him

Harry:Gil I never thought I'd say this but that's a great idea

Gil:Aw shucks

Harry:We'll tell her

Harry and I walk back in the room and see Uma and Micheal watching cartoons on her phone



Harry:So Gil noticed that you've been bummed for a while and he thought we should go to Neverland to visit your brother

Uma stands up and hugs me and I hug back

Uma:Thank you so much Gil

Gil:Anything for the best captain

Uma:What about Micheal

Gil:He's going with us



Uma:He just got out the hospital Harry the HOSPITAL

Harry:I know

Uma:I'll be damned if I let him go on a dangerous adventure

Harry:You and I fell in love on a dangerous adventure

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