When we met

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Uma's POV

I take my clothes off revealing my bathing suit and I jump in the pool I sit and wait for my tenticals to reveal themselves but they didn't for some reason I begin to drown not knowing what to do with my legs

Harry:Gil look somebody's drowing

Gil:I'll get her

Harry:You can't swim and you have a girlfriend


I feel my throat burn from the water and screaming and I feel my eyes getting heavier then I feel somebody grab my hand and pull me out the water

Harry:Gil get help

I hear faint footsteps run out of the pool room and I feel pushes on my stomach and I instantly cough the water out that I consumed underwater

Harry:I'm Harry Hook

Uma:I'm Uma

Harry:Daughter of...?

Uma:I'd rather not say

Harry:That's cool too

I see Harry grab his towel and wrap it around me


Harry:I'll walk you home

Uma:That's not necessary

Harry:It's fine I just wanna take a beautiful lady like yourself home

Uma:Beautiful? Are you always such a flirt?

Harry:Only around you love

Uma:We're gonna be friends for a long time aren't we

Harry:Yup let's go

Minutes walking with Harry felt like hours with his constant flirting and jokes we finally get to the shop and see my mom working the grill

Harry:You live here

Uma:I know I'm the poor unfortunate soul

Ursula:Harry another fill up for that sexy dad of yours

Harry:No just came to drop off something beautiful

Harry finishes his sentence and wraps his arm around me shoulder and pulls me in his embrace

Ursula:Where is it

Harry:Right here

Harry points to me and holds me tighter and mom looks at me in disgust

Ursula:Her seriously she doesn't even have any body language she's nothing but bone and skin

Harry:HEY she's my gem and if you so much as even touch her I will know and there will be no more Hooks in this restaurant you wouldn't like that would you?

Uma:I'm gonna get changed and wash my hair

I run upstairs and wash my hair and change my clothes and walk back downstairs to see Mom and Harry arguing

Uma:Here thanks for saving my life again

Harry:Keep it

Uma:But it's your towel

Harry:I gave it to you right


Harry:So keep it


Harry strolls out of the restaurant and I run after him

Harry:I'll see you around my queen

Uma:But how will I find you

Harry:Meet me at "Captain Hooks and things" Tonight


Harry gives me one last hug and walks away in a group of crowded people and I walk inside and run upstairs to my room

Ursula:Uma do you even care about me?

Uma:Do you care about me?

Ursula:You just want to Hooks all to youself don't you

Uma:Did you ever think that we have the same taste in men because I sure as hell don't want any washed up Villian such as Hook Gaston Jafar or yourself

I see a hand smack across my face and I fall on my bed trying to comfort my wound

Ursula:I may be a washed up Villian but I am also your mother and you will respect me

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