The other side

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Harry's POV

I walk in Uma's room and see her talking to Freddie and she takes her eyes off of Freddie and puts them on me and I do the same

Freddie:I can see you guys back together

Harry:She can't take her eyes off of me ever since

I grab Uma's shirt and pull her in a kiss and I sit down and she falls on my lap

Freddie:Hey Uma you wanna see your future

Uma:Yeah I haven't done it since Harry and I got together

Uma puts her hands on a Crystal ball and so does Freddie

Freddie:Remember kid focus

Uma puts her hands on her on the ball and after 5 minutes she backs off

Freddie:That was crazy



Freddie:And Uma says no


Freddie:I'm only allowed to see clips of Uma's future and apparently she was in a hospital while childbirth...but it wasn't hers

Uma:Apparently you had a kid


Uma:Daughter of Snow White


2 hours later

I climb up Uma's fire escape and knock on the window

Uma:Harry it's 3:00 in the morning

Harry:I wanted to see if you were ok?

Uma:It's feezing outside

Harry:No really

Uma grabs my hands and pulls me inside and turns on the heater and wraps covers around me

Harry:Thanks but how are you

Uma:Kinda shocked

Harry:Come here

I sit back on the bed and pull Uma in my arms

Harry:No matter what that Crystal ball said or showed you I promise one day we'll get off this isle...rule Auradon get married and have a couple of kids

Uma turns around and kisses me and I take off her shirt as things get more heated

Harry:You sure about this?

Uma:As good as any other time

Harry:I just wanna make sure your ok with this

Uma:I am it's just I've never done this before

Harry:I'll be gentle I promise

I sit up and pull Uma on my lap and unhook her bra and throw it on the floor leaving her in her underwear which she sleeps in look beautiful

I take my shirt off and pants and and continue kissing Uma and I hear Ursula stomping upstairs

Uma:Is that my mom

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