That look

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Harry's POV

I wake up and see Stephen flirting with Bonny and Uma on the edge of my bed on her phone

Uma:Good your up


Uma:How you feeling

Harry:Lightheaded...WHERE IS MICHEAL

My heart starts racing and I feel a headache and then Uma's hand touches my shoulder

Uma:Harry calm down he's in the bathroom

Harry:Oh my god

Uma:You can't worry so much

Harry:Yes I can

Uma:Stop it


Harry:Hey lad

I pick Micheal up and put him on the bed

Gil:Dude Micheal did this to my art project

Gil shows us his project with colors all over it

Micheal:I--I m-a--d i----t pr---et--y

Uma:Seriously Gil this looks amazing

Harry:Yeah Gil this looks pretty good

Gil:Hey thanks little man your an artist

Micheal:Th--a---nk you

Harry:Hey Micheal you didn't have a stutterr when I picked you up did I

Gil:He devolped it when we got here when he hit his head on the deck



Mal:Come here

Uma walks away with Mal

Uma's POV

Mal:I don't know if I can keep this secret any longer

Uma:That asshole

Mal:No Uma he didn't cheat on anything

Uma:Then what

Mal:He told me to hold this for you

Mal hands me a ring

Mal:I think he's gonna propose

Uma:Impossible marriage is the last thing from me or Harry's mind

Mal:Ok but if he does pop the question I'm gonna be there

Uma:I'll be the first one to tell



I walk back in Harry's room and see Micheal on Harry's shoulders

Harry:How cute are we

Uma:Very cute

I play with the ring in my pocket and Harry puts Micheal on the bed and walks to me

Harry:You ok?

Uma:I guess


Harry pushes me out the room and closes the door and pushes me to the cold wall

Harry:What's wrong


Harry cuts me off by kissing my forehead and wraps his arms around me

Harry:Just tell me Uma

Uma:Why do you have this?

I pull out the ring and show Harry making him form a disformed face

Harry:How'd you get that

Uma:I'm asking the questions

Harry:I got you a promise ring


Harry:I was fishing on the isle and I found a shell when I got here I got it painted in gold and made it into a ring and I planned on giving it to you on our anniversary...

Uma:Which is tomorrow


Uma:Harry I'm sorry I spoiled the surprise

Harry:It's fine it's pretty much worth nothing

Uma:Sure it has no value to anyone else but this means more to me then anything in the world

I stand up on my toes and kiss Harry and Harry starts to let his hands roam around my body and I let him by adjusting my hips

Bonny:Did I walk in on something that was about to happen


Harry:Pretty much yeah

I hit Harry's arm and see a smirk appear on his face and he kneels down and kisses me

Bonny:I just thought you should know that kid stopped stutter for like 2 words

Harry:Wait really?


Harry and I walk back in the room and see Micheal flipping channels




Uma:Micheal come here

Micheal walks to me and sits on my lap

Harry:I thought you stopped the stutter

Gil:He said "no uncle" clear as day and then by the time he said Gil he went right back

Harry:It's ok I'm still proud of you

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