Fight night

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Harry's POV

Micheal Uma and I walk to the ice cream parlor like a real family something I never had

Uma:Hey Mickey what flavor do you want


Harry:You sure


Jonas:(Mockingly)H--ey g-uys

Harry:Watch it Jo

Jonas:O--r wh-at

Harry:I mean it

Micheal:Tha--t's no--t ni--ce

Jonas:Shut it pipsqueak

Jonas pushes Micheal and I throw a punch and Jonas catches it and holds a knife to my neck

Jonas:What now Harry huh

Harry:Your not a brave lad if you fight with a weapon


Jonas lets me go and I push Micheal and Uma behind me and I punch Jonas making him fall to the ground and Uma watches me grab my sword

As I'm about to cut Jonas Uma stops my arm

Uma:I'm not gonna let you go back to that bad place

Harry:Jonas I'm gonna give you mercy for the benefit of my son and my girlfriend but step to me wrong again and I won't be so forgiving

I put my sword back in it's hold and walk away with Michael and Uma following me


Michael:Ye--s Da-d-dy

Harry:Because of that stutter all trypes of people are gonna bully you and I'm not  always gonna be around to help you out I'm gonna teach you how to fight kid ok

Michael hugs me and I feel a warm feeling like not the warm feelings I feel when I'm with Uma but something else but I hug him back

Micheal:I l---ov--e y--ou da--dd-y

Harry:I love you too Mike

Uma:How's your neck babe

Harry:I'm fine

Uma:And how's this little champ

Michael:I g-o--t a bo-o--bo-o

Uma:Awe c'mon

Uma picks up Micheal and walks to her room and I walk and get some ice cream

Harry:1 Chocolate 1 strawberry and one vanilla

Dizzie:No problem

Harry:Thanks Dizzie how much do I owe



Dizzie:Yeah from one Vk to another

Harry:Your really cool ya know that


I grab the ice cream and walk to Uma's room and see Uma and Michael playing video games

Harry:Isn't mommy so good with kids


Uma:Micheal your ice cream

Michael:Yo--u ju--st wa--nt t--o wi--n

Harry:Hey son

I hand Michael his ice cream and Uma her's

Uma:What do you say

Micheal and Uma:Thank you daddy

Harry:Your welcome

I kiss Uma and eat my ice cream and keep my arm around Uma and Micheal

Uma:Micheal did you ever have ice cream


Harry:Neither have I


Harry:Yes my beautiful girlfriend

Uma walks to me and kisses me and kisses my ear

Harry:I'm all for it but my son is here

Uma:Babe I'm really ho---

I cut Uma off by kissing her and hold her butt in my hand

Harry:We have a meeting


Harry:Right now

Uma:Oh my god

Uma gets up and grabs my Evillon jacket and picks up Micheal and runs to the library and I follow behind her

Harry:Hey guys

Gonzo:Hello Mr. Hickey

Dessire:And Ms. Hickey

Gil:Hey Micheal

Micheal:H-e--y G-i--il

Bonny:So what is going on

Harry:I called you guys here

Gonzo:What's up?

Harry:Now that Jonas is no longer apart of this crew we have an opening

Dessire:Yeah we know

Gil:Maybe Lafou's son Liam

Bonny:Oh he's cutie

Gonzo:Or Smee's son Stephen

Uma:Damn both pretty hard sidekicks

Bonny:Why not both of them


Harry:No seriously both of them have nothing else better to do Stephen is stealing stuff and he's not too good at it

Gil:And Liam is pretty useful he could help me carry stuff and other stuff

Micheal:P--lea---se mo--ommy

Uma:Fine I'll ask Ben to send over Liam and Stephen

Bonny:YES New boyfriend arrival

Gil chuckles and grabs his sword and hands it to Micheal

Harry:GIL NO

Gil:What I had the same one when I was a kid and I turned out fine

Harry:I just said no

I take the sword from Micheal and give it back to Gil

Gil:Don't do it

Gil:Ugh fine

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