My father ladies and gentlemen

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Uma's POV

Chance:I'm Chance

I stand up and look at this man's doughy brown eyes which matched mine and a tattoo on his wrist that also matched mine

Chance:I know you have a lot of questi----

Uma:Just one why now

Chance:Can we talk in private


Harry picks up Micheal and walks out the room after kissing me cheek

Chance:So I know your upset

Uma:Very you couldn't have left me with anyone worse

Chance:Well when your mother and I got together she was a vibrant outgoing beautiful goddess and when things got rough she just became the women I never knew and I left I didn't even know about you until 2 weeks ago

Uma:My mom ruined everything once again

Chance:I wasn't sure how old you were but I got you this

Chance hands me a teddy bear and notices a tattoo on my finger

Chance:Fathoms Below?

Uma:Yeah sailing the sea it's kinda my thing

Chance:Mine too I'm a captain

Uma:Me too

The room stays silent for a while and Chance looks at me as if I'm the best thing in the world

Chance:You have my eyes

Uma:Everyone says I don't look like my mom

Chance:No no you do just back when she was younger but you almost look just like me


I stand up and look around trying to get out of this conversation

Chance:Did she abuse you

Uma:Verbally,Physically, mentally basically any type of abuse she did

Chance:I'm sorry Uma I really am I should have stayed around

Uma:Can't change the past Chance

Chance:No but is there anything I can do to help the future

Uma:You seem like a nice guy really you do but I've been fine without you so could you just walk out that door and uh don't turn around

Chance:That's something I can't do

Uma:Well then your not making anything better

Chance:I want to Uma

Uma:You weren't here for 16 years how are you gonna make up for(voice breaking)16 years

Chance:By being here now

Uma:Too little too late

Chance:I refuse to leave

Uma:Well then I will

I walk to my door and open it and run to Harry's room and Chance chases me

Harry:Uma what's wrong

Uma:Harry I thought I could do it

Harry:Uma your parents are asswipes or at least the ones I know maybe this guy isn't as bad as the other one please just talk to him

Uma:Your right


I turn around and see Chance standing behind me


Chance:I'm not good at talking or the sentimental stuff

Uma:Well I am

I pull Chance in a hug and he hugs me back and I wipe the forming tears from my eyes

Uma:I love you dad

Chance:I love you too

You me and the sea babyWhere stories live. Discover now