It's an always thing

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Uma's POV

I wake up to see my mom walking through the hallways and I close my door and crash on my bed for a few more minutes of sleep



Ursula:I saw that boyfriend of yours with that blue haired girl that Mal is always hanging out with

I stand up and walk out the door and see my mom down the hallway and I walk to her

Uma:Are You serious

Ursula:Saw them when I went out for more eggs

Uma:Oh my god

Ursula:Just can't trust Hook men

I walk back to my room and grab my phone and text Harry

U:Meet me in my room now
H:Are you ok
U:Just meet me NOW
H:Fine on my way

5 minutes later

Harry climbs up the fire escape and knocks on my window and I open it and let Harry in

Harry:Hey I missed you last night

Harry goes to kiss me but I turn my head and he stares at me confused

Harry:Is there something we need to talk about

Uma:My mom saw you with Evie yesterday

Harry:Uma what?

Uma:Are you cheating on me

Harry:No I'm not

Uma:Then why were you with her

Harry:I can't tell you

Uma:Are we keeping secrets now

Harry:Uma I can explain...just not now

Uma:Did you have kiss her


Uma:Are you gonna tell me what happened yesterday because our entire....relationship is at stake

Harry:Uma I can't tell you

Uma:Then...Harry is relationship is over

Harry:Uma I wasn't cheating on you I swear

Uma:I can only assume you are since you won't tell me what is going on


Uma:Get out

Harry:Please don't do this

Uma:I said get out

Harry:I'm not gonna stop caring for you

Harry grabs my hand amd kisses it and climbs out the window and I begin crying

Jonas:Hey Um---


Jonas:Hey you ok

Uma:I'm fine

Jonas:You don't look like you're fine

Uma:Harry and I are going through it

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