Fireballs and Hearts

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(Are we not gonna speak on how Uma is looking at Harry in the background like he's the best thing on earth)

Uma's POV

I walk in the pool and see Hayden lighting the pool's top on fire



Hayden:What are you doing here

Uma:I was hoping to get an early swim before class but I can see if I do I'm gonna be permanently burnt


Uma:Clean this up before 8:00

Hayden:Of course

Uma:Tell Baby Hyde I said hi

Hayden:Ugh my stupid brother

Uma:He's 4

Hayden:So what

Uma:Seriously be nice to him he has it pretty bad

Hayden:Ugh fine

I walk to Hayden and move his hair and kiss his forehead and walk to the doors

Uma:Love ya cuzzo

Hayden:Love you too

I walk out the door and see in the gym Harry lifting weights witb Jay, Carlos, and Ben

Uma:Well isn't that a sight to look at

Harry notices me staring at him and he grabs a towel and a t-shirt and walks out the gym and kisses my forehead

Harry:Hey love


Harry:You were checking me out


Harry puts on the shirt and I notice a singed spot on Harry's  back

Uma:Harry Kidd Hook what the hell happened

Harry:Don't worry about it

I turn Harry around and see more of the mark and see it shaped in a hook


Harry:Uma I'm fine

Uma:That's a hook mark a burn

Harry:I know what it is Uma

Harry puts his shirt and grabs his hook

Harry:Can we drop this or at least talk about it later

Uma:I'm not gonna stop asking until you tell me but fine

Harry:Thank you

Harry grabs my hand and kisses my cheek and walks away and I follow him

Harry:Do you know I'm crazy about you

Uma:Crazy about me or just crazy?

Harry:Stop trying to insult me

Harry wraps his arm around me and brings me in a kiss and run his fingers through my hair

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