Your protected I promise

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Uma's POV
I wake up to Harry shirtless watching cartoons and I decide to pull on of his leg hairs


Harry jumps off the higher bunk and picks me up and shakes me

Uma:(Laughing)I'm sorry

Harry:How'd you sleep

Uma:Pretty good

Harry puts me down and grabs a t-shirt

Harry:Babe you gotta get ready

Uma:For what it's Saturday

Harry:We have a crew meeting did you forget

Uma:Damn I don't have any clean clothes here and I can't walk around in a bra


Harry hands me his varsity jacket and I become shocked because he expects me to wear it

Harry:What's wrong it's clean

Uma:Are you sure I mean people might think we're going out

Harry:We are

Uma:What's the harm

I put the jacket on and kiss Harry's chin and watch him get dressed


Harry:So what are we discussing

Desiree:The lipstick Gonzo found on your pillow matches the lipstick

Gonzo:Dude tell us the truth do you have a girlfriend

I feel flushed and I stand up from my chair and walk away

Gil:I'll get her

Harry:No I got this

I hear footsteps I know their Harry's

Harry:Uma...why'd you leave

Uma:I got nervous


Uma:They aren't gonna look at me like the sea witch or the captain just Harry's girlfriend

Harry:Would it matter what they called you it only matters what you answer to

I smile and grab Harry's hand and kiss him

Uma:Maybe I'm ready to be recognized as "Harry's girlfriend"


Harry and I walk back into the library holding hands

Jonas:This is bullshit first you fail the isle second you feed us ALL slop since we were on the isle you break my heart and then you date you first mate what kind of Captain are you---

I see Harry draw his sword but I stop him

Uma:Jonas last time I checked your the only person in this school that doesn't want us to date I mean even Desiree likes the idea of crew members funny thing is your crush on me almost got you killed by my boyfriend so it's up to you either deal with me or Harry

Jonas:I'm gonna see you tomorrow Harry

Jonas walks away and I sit down

Uma:Anymore issues?

Gonzo:Desiree can we talk


Uma:So no issues meeting canceled

Harry wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses my cheek

Harry:Ready to go?



Harry grabs my hand and walks me to my room



Uma:I'll see you later handsome

Harry:See ya beautiful

Uma:I love you

Harry:I love you too

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