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Uma's POV

I wake up and I watch Harry on my tv

Uma:It's 5:00 in the morning

Harry:My house doesn't have a tv I stole this I get to use it

Uma:That's fair

Harry:How did my captain sleep

Uma:It was ok

Harry:Come here

Harry pulls my waist into a kiss and starts running his hand through my braids


Harry:What's wrong

Uma:My mom

Harry:Isn't she asleep

Uma:No it's almost 5:30 that means her shift is starting


Uma:You can't be here

Harry:Then let's go to my house

Uma:Fine but out the window

Harry jumps out the window and motions for me to jump

Harry:I got you love


Harry:Uma let's go

Uma:Here I come

I jump out the window to be immediately caught into Harry's muscular arms

Harry:Good job

Uma:Your arms are...

Harry:I know amazing

Harry's HUT

I lay down and Harry lays next to me and kisses my neck

Uma:Where is your jacket?

Harry:In the living room


Harry:Because I didn't want you stealing it



Harry gets up and walks to the living room and gets his varsity jacket


Uma:Thank you Hook Boy

Harry hands me the jacket and I put it on and feel paper in the pockets

Uma:What's this?


I open balled up the paper and read it as Harry tries to snatch it from me

Uma:"You know what they say
Bad girls have all the fun
Never learned how to count
Cause I'm number one
Ready here, we come
We always get our way
It's a pirate's life, every single day (Hey!)
She's the captain, I'm the first mate
Enemies seasick can't see straight
Call 'em fish bait, throw 'em on a hook
Uma's so hot they get burned if they look"

Harry:Uma stop it

Uma:This is awesome




I see Harry's cheeks turn bright red and I kiss him and wrap my arms around him

Harry:Your the best captain

Uma:I'll never replace you

Somebody starts banging on the door snd Harry grabs his sword and opens the door



Hook:I need to talk to you

Harry:Let's go outside Uma is here


Harry's POV

Dad and I walk out the door and I close the door behind us

Harry:What's up

Hook:Ever since you and Uma started dating you've been acting crazy

Harry:Don't say one word about her

Hook:You answered the door with a sword I just want to make sure your in your right mind

Harry:I'm fine Uma is just my girlfriend

Hook:No you aren't and you can't be in love

Harry:I'm not in love dad

Hook:Just watch out

Harry:Don't tell me not to fall in love because of what happened to you mom left because of you

Hook:Don't take that tone with me

Harry:And don't question my emotions I am loyal to my captain

(just so you know this is when Hook and Ursula made the deal)

I walk in my room and see Uma sound asleep so I sit on the egde of the bed and I shake her awake



Harry:Babe I'm just making sure you aren't going home today

Uma:No Gil and I have a date

Harry:A what

Uma:Don't worry your my number one guy

Harry:What about this date

Uma:It's nothing I'm just teaching Gil how to sword fight


Uma:Are you jealous


Uma:Come here

Uma grabs the collar of my shirt pulling me down on the bed with her kissing me on the way down

Uma:There is no need to be jealous



I reach out my pinky and Uma grabs mine with hers a kisses it as do I



You me and the sea babyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora