Chapter 1

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(A/N) Yeah, the beginning is really weird, liek, looking at it now I'm just like what did i do 0-0 so, yeeeee. Enjoyyyyy....?

<>Maka's POV<>

Anywhere. Anywhere but here. It's my first day at Ouran High School, and my clothes were in shreads, my arms were scratched and bleeding, and my pockets were nearly empty. I ran through the long halls, and quickly glanced up at the sign above the door. Music Room #3, sounds good enough. I thought. I quickly ran inside. Tears dripped down my face, and my eyes were shut. I thought I heard someone say something, but even if they did, I wouldn't be able to hear over my loud crying. I ran into a wall, and started sobbing. This "wall" that I was crying on started to move. I looked up, and saw that I wasn't crying in a wall, but on a person. Even more embarrassing, it was a guy. He had spiky white hair, and crimson eyes. His arms were wrapped around me, like he was comforting me. I quickly pulled away from him.

"S-Sorry." I mumbled. I held my arm, and looked down to the floor.

"It's okay," He responded.

I didn't realize it, but there were 7 others guys next to him. They were all staring at me, smiling. It was like they were happy to have me there, and were trying to make me happy. I started at them blankly.

"I don't think i've ever seen you here before, this year or the years in the past. Do you mind telling me who you are?" A tall, blonde guy asked.

"Where is she? Im gonna kill her!" I heard voices from down the hall.

"I'll tell you all that you want to know, but can you hide me first?" I begged.

"Of course. Were those voices down the hall referring to you?" The one with glasses asked.

"Sadly, yes." I responded.

"Well," he continue,"You aren't that tall, so I guess you can fit in the piano. It will be uncomfortable, but are you okay with it?"

I heard the footsteps down the hall get louder and louder.

"Yes, anything, even beeing in a piano, will do." I quickly responded.

He opened a curtain that revealed a grand piano. I walked towards it. I tried to climb up into it, but im not that flexible, so I couldn't really get up. Just then, I felt someone's hands on my waist. I turned my head, and saw that it was the guy with white hair, and he was helping me into the piano. I felt my face get warm, and could tell I was blushing. He probably saw me, because he smirked at me. My face got extremely red.

"Thanks," I whispered.

He didn't respond. I layed down in the piano, and he closed the top.

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