How it started

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Eugene's POV

"CUT! Eugene, you're doing it all wrong! Put more feeling into it. It's the last scene. . . please cooperate." I rolled my eyes and looked over at Aurora, poor girl. . .

"Okay, from the top, Rory, dear, you're heartbroken, he's leaving you!" Aurora nodded and looked down, tears spilling from her eyes "ACTION!"

I ran a hand through my hair and turned to Aurora "Look. . . Dawn, you deserve bette-" Aurora shook her head and wept "Dan, don't do this, he's gone now. We can be happy." I shook my head "No, we can never be happy." Aurora kept crying and shaking her head, I grabbed her face between my hands "I will always love you." Then I kissed her.

"CUT! It's a wrap!" Everyone cheered. I walked over to where my manager was waiting "You did great dear!" she said, I nodded

"Thanks Gothel, I do my best" then I lowered my voice "But the story was absolute bull!" Gothel shook her head and flashed her perfect white teeth

"You always question the story, don't you? I shrugged

"I just don't get why they can't end up together!" She smiled again

"The writers were trying to avoid cliches, Eugene"

"Yeah, but they make Daniel leave right? That's a cliche in itself! By trying to avoid cliche people have created more cliches. Might as well just embrace all the cheesiness!" Gothel laughed

"You are such a romantic! You should write a book!" I scoffed and she laughed again

"I'll see you tomorrow."

I walked out of the building and laughed. Me, a romantic? Gothel was crazy, but she did support everything I did so, why not write book? Overcoming Cliche.

I got in my car and drove to my dad's house. I was greeted by Sven, my brother's dog. "Hey, Buddy!" I said rubbing behind his ears.

"What are you doing here?" Kristoff says jumping off from the railing of the big stairway.

"It's Tuesday, and don't do that, I've told you a million times." He laughs

"Old habits die hard, brother." My dad walks down the stairs

"Hello Eugene, good to see you son." I smile and hug him. My dad pulls away and says

"On Tuesdays you make dinner!" I smile and head to the kitchen

"Karsk for me!" Kristof yells behind me

I laugh, "as if!" Kristoff stomps his foot and heads upstairs, I laugh and start preparing my dad's Raspeball.

I leave the meat boiling and head upstairs to my old room. I sit at my desk and open my laptop

"Whatcha doing?" Kristoff asks leaning into the doorway I turn my computer screen towards him and show the blank Word document., he laughs

"Seriously?" I nod

"Yes, little brother, I'm a cliche!" He leaves and I stare at the document:

Overcoming cliche

I make sure it's as fluffy as possible, why shouldn't it be? Now I just need to sign it. . . but I don't want to sign as Eugene Fitzherbert/Bjorgman. So I begin to think of cool names;

Zachary?. . . no, Levi? Ew! "Maybe you could go with Kristoff?"

"Nah, too tacky." Kristoff gasps and puts a hand on his chest "May I at least read it?"

"Fine." I say grumpily and hand him the computer.

* * *

"That's some story." my dad says sitting back in his chair. I glance at Kristof who smirks then looks down at his plate. "Hey Dad, don't you know that publisher. . . Nicholas Overland?"

"Yeah!" my dad says "Eugene, I can send him this. By the way. . . cool pseudonym, Flynn Writer?"

Kristof looks up and smiles "Peachy." My dad laughs and starts to get up

"If that's okay with you, I'll email him." I nod

"That would be awesome, thanks, Pa!"

Eugene is honestly my favorite Disney prince ever, he's such a smooth guy, I love him for our Punzie. For me? I'm more of a shy guy kind of girl, I'm head over heels for Kristoff! Anyways. . . I love Eugene Fitzherbert, nose and all! The video on the top is so funny! I really hope if you've stumbled upon this story that you choose to read it and it makes you happy.

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