love is an open door

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Anna's POV:

I'm sitting comfortably on my bed when Merida rudely bursts in. "We have a problem!" I sit closer to the edge "We sure do. You get in here like it's nothing while I need like fifty keys to get through the front door alone!" Merida laughs and strides to where I'm sitting

"No. . . I like two guys!" Oh. "Well, I think I do." I nod as I wrap my arms around her

"Who?" she messes up her unruly hair, a habit I suspect she's always had, her hair is never neat.

"The first is this boy that Eugene introduced me to, Hiccup, I don't know exactly if I like him, he's just a really s. . ." she trails off, I think she does like him.

"And the other one?" She groans and continues to mess up her curls

"This is what I feel so bad about! I like Eugene! I can't do that to Rapunzel!" I blink. As much as I try to hide it a cackle escapes my lips, Merida gives me a dirty look as I say "Merida, I know you, you don't like Eugene, you just think you do. I was scared to death the day he came to pick Rapunzel up, because I thought wow, he's so handsome! And. . . and, he smells like mint

"And lavender!" Merida exclaims, I laugh and nod

I don't like him though, he's not my type," I smile "or yours." Merida cocks her head to the side thinking, then she sighs relieved.

"Thank you." she hugs me quickly and I smile wickedly

"Now, about Hiccup. . ." her eyes widen

"No! I can deny that as long as I wish." I want to meet this guy, he has done what nobody else ever could. He has made Merida nervous. Merida smiles awkwardly "I-i'm not even sure if I like him. . . it could just be the tattoo." I smirk. Yup, she's a goner.

After Merida leaves I sit in my room and scroll through Instagram.Rapunzel just posted a picture of her kissing Eugene's cheek, I smile and like it even though my heart hurts. I wish I could fall in l love, I don't need love, but still, it would be nice to have someone. It makes me think of Hans and how he used me, he did that last year but the wound still feels fresh.


Merida is lucky to come to this place so often. The stables where she keeps Angus are beautiful. I start walking around to look for her, suddenly, I'm knocked off my feet "I'm so sorry!" a guy''s voice says "Are you okay?" he helps me up, I'm about to complain to him when I see his eyes, he looks so worried. . . "I'm Hans South." he offers me his hand and I smile like a complete idiot

"Anna Dale." he smiles at me and apologies again for hitting me with his horse. After that I go to find Merida.

Hans has caused me so much pain, only a year of knowing him and he has managed to ruin every single hope for love that I've ever had. I don't want love, I know that I don't. After what happened last time, I couldn't take more heartbreak.


"Come on Anna! Please, I love you!" I look at Hans, his face is as red as his hair, I blush as he prompts me forward "Love is an open door Anna, you need to find the courage to walk through it." He smiles and slips the plastic ring on my finger

"So," I say "We''re getting married." he smiles

"We're getting married.I promise you a real ring soon, but for now, this one will have to do." In that moment, I loved him more than I'd ever loved anyone.

Stupid. That is what I am for believing his lies, who cares about love anyways, I have friends, like Kristoff. I text him because I know he will answer

A: Whatcha up to?

K: Nothing much. You?

A: Just pitying myself because of my lousy ex boyfriend. He doesn't answer immediately like he did before, was I wrong to trust him with this?. Still, like the stupid person I am, I text him again

A: Is there a cure for broken hearts? This time he does answer

K: Duh. You ever heard of chocolate? It's a delicacy. I'll come over with some of my brother's special stash if you'd like? I would, I ate all the kisses Rapunzel bought me

A: Yes please, bring Sven. He sends me a thumbs up and I switch off my phone. In a few minutes he's at my door with a leash in one hand and a basket in the other. I smile at the sight of him, Kristoff is my friend, I can always trust him. "So. . ." Kristoff says setting the basket on the counter "Tell me everything, you can trust me, okay?" I look down to where Max and Sven are sniffing each other suspiciously and I look up nodding

"Okay." I walk him up to the living room where he sits with his basket and I begin "His name is Hans. . ." Throughout my story Kristoff pays close attention, even when his phone beeps, he just turns it off. When I finish he lets out a big puff of air and shakes his head "I'm so sorry to hear that Anna." I smile weakly "It's not as bad as I had thought it would be, he just makes everyday as painful as he possibly can. I thought he'd do worse." Kristoff scooches towards me on the couch then hesitantly, he pulls me into a hug. I stiffen but then decide that he's just being friendly.

When we let go Kristoff gives me a small smile "Now, you mentioned chocolate. . ." he laughs and reaches for the basket, he hands me a Toblerone bar and smirks at my shocked expression.

"My brother loves chocolate, but he never notices I take it until a few months later." I shove his arm playfully

"You criminal." He chuckles

"Anna, I know you don't want to hear this, but I think Hans is no good." my smile turns into a frown

"I know that. I just can't stay away! How do I even begin to get over him Kristoff?" he shakes his head slightly. "It's really hard. You need to be able to forget. You'll know how eventually."

We spend the rest of the afternoon watching movies. Surprisingly Kristoff likes the same kind of movies as me, considering the huge sap his brother is. We do all the things that friends normally do and for the first time in a while I'm actually happy.

And done. I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner. I'll do better on the next chapter, I promise

I love you!

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