I met a guy

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Punzie's POV:

First it was 10 reads, then it was 20. Then overnight it got to 800! I'm on cloud 9. People are commenting things like:

That's adorable! Flynn would be proud. I'm so happy and Elsa is too! She says that if I come up with more ideas she will edit the stories.

The moment I open my eyes, my first thought is Crap, It's Monday, then, I want to check Wattpad. When I open my laptop happiness explodes inside me, because, more reads! Then my happiness is ruined when my mom yells "Rapunzel! First day of school! Get dressed!" I groan, but put on my uniform. I go downstairs and grin at Anna. She smiles at me through a mouthful of chocolate cereal. "Hey Punz." she says, then swallows. I sit down in front of her, next to my dad who is, oh surprise! reading a newspaper! Then my dad surprises me by putting the newspaper down and looking at Anna and I "Anna," he says "Junior, very important year!Do your best and stay away from boys." he pats her arm and Anna groans 'No need to remind me to stay away from boys, Uncle Fred." I nod approvingly "It's Punzie you should worry about." I turn to her, abruptly "Excuse me?" Anna shrugs and giggles. I shoot Anna a hurt look

"Actually" my dad says, and I aim my hurt look at him "Anna is right, it's your senior year Rapunzel. Be careful, I don't  like those boys in your grade." I sigh, and Anna loses it, she bursts out laughing.

I stand up and pick up my plate "Traitor." I mutter, then go up to my room to brush my hair. Okay, I love my hair, but brushing it is the biggest bother in the world. I have to put about 30 different products for it to stay in place. I start brushing and after a while give up, I put it in a ponytail then brush my teeth and walk back downstairs.I walk outside and open up my car "Come on, Anna!" I yell as she comes running out the front door, purse in her hand.

I drive us to school and Anna yelps when she sees the Walt High sign. I look at her in the passenger's side "Is it Hans?" I ask her, she pretends not to notice that I talked to her, she fiddles with a piece of thread that's stuck on the window "Because if it is, then I can have Naveen beat him up again." Anna's eyes widen

"That was you?! Punz, no! I can fight my own battles. . . and just a reminder, I'm over Hans!" I pull into a parking spot "Sure, just avoid him." She nods then quickly gets out of the car.

I walk through the halls of the school, towards my locker. "Hey Tiana!" I say, wrapping my arms around her. She smiles at me then says in her awesome accent

"Guess what? Anastasia and Dimitri got together over the summer!" She holds out her hand and I sigh, fishing a ten dollar bill out of my pocket "I hate betting against you, Tee." She giggles

"Cuz you never win!" I nod and then laugh, because I never do. I grab my iPad out of my bag and check my email for my schedule "Bio first period, how about you?" Tiana reaches into her locker then pulls out a sheet of paper to examine "I've got Calculus, ugh! Why do I need to know this? I'm going to be a cook!" I smile a little then slyly ask

"Measuring ingredients, counting money, endless possibilities my dear Tiana!" She scoffs then walks away. I giggle then pull my biology materials out. The bell rings and I start running to class. I'm stalking into the class when I bump into someone "Hey Rapunzel!" He says in a low voice that disgusts  me "I wondered when I would be seeing you. . . it's been so long!" I shake my head "Go to hell South!" he smirks

"Oh, but I was going to ask you to be my lab partner. . ." I start to shake my head when I hear "Wee lamb, she's my partner." Yes Merida! She puts her arm around my shoulder then leads me to her table. Hans stomps away "Childish brat." Merida mutters. I giggle

"Yeah, thanks for saving me, by the way" She smiles

"No problem, I hate that guy." She squeezes my hand "He won't come closer to you or your cousin while I'm around "Thanks Mer, anyways, where you been? I've hardly seen you." She sighs "My dad got me a role in one of his movies." I look her up and down "That's great! Be more excited!" She laughs

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