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Eugene's POV:

After Flee's funeral Jack asked me if I could write her a story, which is weird because I was already planning on doing that. I sit in front of my desk in my apartment, I'm by myself, I'd only just met her, but I'm grieving. The pain had been manageable at first, what finally threw me over the edge was Jack's speech. I need to distract myself for a while.

I take out the letter that that girl,  Rapunzel, I think had sent me. Now I would answer it:

My dearest Rapunzel,

I was so happy to receive your letter. I'm really glad you liked my book. I'll be sure to write something new soon. Thank you for your kind words.

All my love,

Flynn Writer

I put the letter in an envelope then grab this picture I had printed of a tower, like the one in her stamp, I signed it, then put it in the envelope. I really felt like crap at the moment so I opened a new Word document and began writing. The first thing that I wrote was:

For: Flee, some beauty needs time to be seen, but I saw the beauty in you instantly.

I poured my heart out for her. The story was about a young girl (I called her Emma) who had a sickness, like Flee. I mixed fantasy and reality, always keeping it cliché, like my style. I finish the draft for the first chapter and email it to Jack, I hope he likes it.

Sighing, I close my laptop then grab the envelope. I lock up my apartment and head to the post office. When I'm there, I mail the letter and then, just to kill time head to Barnes & Noble. I walk into the bookstore and breath in the smell I've come to love. 

I browse around for a while, thinking of Rapunzel coming into the shop and of all books choosing mine. I reach into my pocket and take out her picture, her lips are the most gorgeous shade of pink and her hair flows around her, she looks like a princess. I wish that I could just stay in a world that was like the one in my stories, people are happy and things are okay.

My phone buzzes in my satchel and I reach for it "Hello?" I speak into the phone

"Eugene! I need you to get down to the studio this instant! I got you an audition!" Gothel sounds so happy, I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't want to act anymore. "Okay." I reply then quickly grab a random book from the shelf and run to the cash register.

"Hi!" says a way too happy guy with glasses and brown hair. He reaches over to scan the book and I notice a dragon tattoo on his wrist. He smiles at me as I hand him the money "Enjoy." I flash a smile, mumble a thank you, then run to my car.

Once I'm at the studio I meet up with Gothel and she lets out an exasperated sigh "About time!" I hold up one hand "I was like five minutes, I-"

"Shut up. Here are your clothes, change quickly!" I'm about to say something but she pushes me towards the men's room "Go!" so I do and when I come out again she ushers me into another room and hands me a script. "Don't screw up!" she says and I fire back with

"When have I ever? I'm perfect, remember?" She rolls her eyes and leaves me to read the script. It's one of those few scripts that I actually like, the main character (me, I hope) is stranded on an island all alone for a few years before they come looking for him. When he returns to society he finds that a lot of things have changed, his girlfriend is married and the girl who was his best friend is looking more and more like a queen, that said, he goes through all these really crappy situations with all these people and in the end. . . I won't say what happens in the end.

I wait a little while before they bring in a girl, about my age with the wildest, most fiery red hair I have ever seen. "Hey." she says in a thick scottish accent "I assume you're here to audition for the role of my love interest?" I gulp because the girl looks like she could snap my neck if she wanted to. "Yeah."  I tell her. I watch as a bunch of people file in and sit in the chairs that are laid out in front of me. Gothel, who is standing at the door, gives me a thumbs up. I give her a little smile then look at the man in front of me. "Okay, I want you to act out the first scene." he says. 

I nod then throw myself on the ground and start gasping like I'm out of breath. I try to make myself look as small as possible, like I'm clinging to life from a single thread. Then I speak, my voice is so hopeless, so dry, it still scares m sometimes that I can do that "Sam." I mumble, then louder "Sam!" I scream it looking straight at the scottish girl, tears in my eyes "SAM! I need you!" I collapse again and curl up into a ball. I look up and my eyes brighten, like I've seen my only hope, which in the script I have. I stand up and yell "Hey! Hey!" I wave my arms and then sigh with relief when I realize that the boat has seen me. I am safe.

"That will be all." the director, who has red hair as well, says "We will get back to you." The girl,Merida, groans "Daaaad! Why can't we just find a guy already and get it all over with?" She turns to me and says "Good luck." then she leaves.

After talking to Gothel I drive home and go straight to my room to shower and change. I take a quick shower then put on sweatpants. I log into my email and look at the new ones. Catalog. . .Catalog. . .Jack!

Dude, you made me cry! Not only because she was my sister. I really liked it, just added a few changes. See you tomorrow, meeting with my dad.


Good. I'm glad. Tomorrow Jack and I will get this thing published.

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