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Punzie's POV:

I slam the car door and Anna winces "You okay?"  I look up

"Oh. . . yeah, I'm fine. Great actually."

"Okay. . ." she says skeptically "Well, see ya!" We both head in opposite directions. I get to my locker and open my backpack, I take out all my books and at the very bottom I find that stupid stuffed animal! At first I want to throw it, but then I think, I need something that I can hug. So I take it with me to Philosophy class.

"Okay, class" says Mr. Dukas "Today we will be discussing Pascal's wager." next to me Meg perks up, I've been sitting next to her a long time, she loves this class. Mr. Dukas explains to us about Blaise Pascal and his beliefs. I have a lot of beliefs, for example, I believe that love exists, no such luck on that one. I'm starting to abandon it.

Another belief of mine is that a person's heart is always changing, sometimes it can take more, sometimes it can take less, weather they are good or bad things. This belief has proven itself a lot.

The bell rings. "Cute stuffed animal, Punz, does it have a name?"

"Huh?" I say to Meg, she blushes like she's embarrassed

"Oh, sorry, it's just that as a kid I used to name my stuffed animals. I had these two really weird ones that I would hug on different occasions. One for pain, one for panic."

"Oh" I say "Um. . . Pascal!" Meg smiles and shoulders her bag

"That's adorable. See you around Rapunzel." I walk out the class, a smile on my face, I clutch Pascal closer. This little guy will be what keeps me believing, he's proof that there once was love, that there might be again. Then I remember, my heart is still broken. I have beliefs, but I also have a very sensitive heart.

I spend the rest of the day with my head low. I sit with Mer at lunch and she's all giddy about something, she keeps smiling at me. That at least is one of the better parts of my day, but her's also when Hans started flirting with Mer and she took out one of her arrows and just twirled it around until he felt threatened enough to leave. Other than that, it's pretty bland.

When the last bell rings Anna runs to my locker "Hey, Punz, look, I'm going to Ella's house, we have a project to do. We need to get a good grade or else her stepmom will punish her!" I nod

"Okay, I'll see you when you get home then." I walk out to my car and pull open the back door. I put my back pack and my lunchbox (yes, I take a lunch box to school, I can't stand cafeteria food!) in then shut the door. I get into the drivers seat and put my keys in, I turn them, it won't start. My car won't start. I try again, nothing! The perfect ending to the perfect school day! Yay me! Not!

I hug Pascal and pull my knees up in front of me, then I cry, to because my car won't start, but because nothing has gone right for me. Then, I hear a knock on the window. Outside of my car, peering back at me is Eugene Fitzherbert. I roll down the window and he says

"You need a ride, Flower?" I nod slowly, tears still in my eyes. He reaches behind him and out of all things he could have in is back pocket, he takes out a purple handkerchief with a sun symbol on it. He reaches forward and wipes my eyes "Don't cry. It breaks my heart." He opens my car door and helps me out, the he leads me to his car. He opens the door for me then goes to his side.

"Eugene, I thought you didn't want anything to do with-" he holds his index up to my lips

"Rapunzel," he says "I'm an idiot. Maybe Daniel did let go of Dawn because he couldn't give her everything. . ." he runs a hand through his hair "but I'm not Daniel, he was a total wuss who didn't even try. I want to try." I stare at him. He's kidding, he's got to be!

Rapunzel, please. . ." he looks at me with those brown eyes, those gorgeous brown eyes and I can't help myself. I nod, a tiny nod, but he sees it. He smiles, bright and beautiful, his perfect white teeth in all their glory! He starts the car and begins to drive away from the school. "My car-" I begin to say. He takes out his phone and dials a number, he holds the phone up to his ear "Hey, Uncle Felix, I need help, can you send one of you tow trucks to my old high school, please?!" he listens for a few seconds then says "No, I have not been drinking in public places and then driving, that was four years ago, let it go! Uncle Felix, its for a girl that I'm driving. . ." he's quit again "No, no! I am not adorable, I am a twenty six year old man!" I giggle while listening to him :"Okay, I owe you one! Bye! Eugene hangs up and stops at a red light "Your car will be brought to your house."

"Wait. .  I say "How much money do I owe you for this?" he scoffs

"None. My uncle Felix and his best friend Ralph own a whole bunch of stuff in their company, I'm paying him, not you." I want to protest, but the light turns green and soon we're in front of my house, he gets out of the car and opens my door "S long, Flower!" I grin at him then ask

"Why flower?" at this he smirks

"Because," he mumbles the next part


"Because you're beautiful!" I smile and stand on my tiptoes, I kiss his cheek and he smiles even wider than before.  "Bye, Rapunzel"

"Bye" I say "Oh, and say good bye to Pascal too!" I hold up the stuffed animal, which is the only thing I brought with me aside from my phone. He grimaces and I fake pout, he sighs

"Good bye, Pascal, take care of my flower." I giggle and begin to walk up the driveway. Eugene drives away.

I take back what I'd said before. I will not abandon my beliefs about love. It is out there, and I may have just found it.

Hey! So, I fixed it! They like each other again. Also, Pascal and Maximus are probably close to being my favorite characters, I hope you like this chapter! I love you! Bye!

I use this ! too much, don't I?

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