My best friend

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Jack's POV:

I sat in a chair, watching Eugene acting for this movie. I was bored as hell! The only interesting thing so far is that the oh so manly Eugene Fitzherbert had to wear a dress! It's bad enough that the dude carries a purse wherever he goes, now he has to wear a dress?

"Cut! Okay, thank you guys, It's a wrap for today!" Eugene walks over to me, a water bottle in his hand "What's up, Jack?" He takes a sip from the bottle and shakes his head a little "See you around Merida!" he calls over his shoulder, then he turns to me "So?"

"They're going to publish the story today! I hope it's okay, I tweaked it a little, it's going to be a short story." Eugene nods

"I like it. I motion for him to follow me. We go to my car and I drive to the company building. As we're walking in the parking lot I say to Eugene "I couldn't help but notice, that dress you were wearing a while ago would look just lovely with your purse. Any chance they would let you keep it?" Eugene turns to me and punches my arm

"It's a satchel!" I laugh and shake my head

"Sure. Because if I were to open this so called satchel, I would not find a chap stick." Eugene grabs his purse- face it, it's a purse- and hugs it to his chest. We walk into the building, still arguing. We only stop when we say in unison "Morning Jane." Then we keep arguing "It's a purse!"

"Whatever." We get on the elevator and I press the twelve. We get to my dad's office and he smiles "Boys! Nice of you to show up." I sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk, Eugene ties the other. "You wanted to speak to us sir?" My dad nods

"I really liked this short story of yours, sad, but it sticks to your style." Eugene nods, looking way more nervous than he should be. "I'll make arrangements to publish. It'll be on shelves by tomorrow." Eugene sighs "Thank you, sir" he stands up and shakes my dad's hand.

I walk out of the office with him "Why so nervous?" He sighs

"Dude. . .I don't know, I guess that after I had one hit your dad would not want to publish our stuff." I pat his shoulder

"Hey, this is my first one, and besides, your book was way too awesome. You've got talent, man." He smiles at me again and I know that this guy is my new best friend. My first best friend was Flee, I never had much time for other friends. . . now I have a friend, a real friend.

We drive to Starbucks because I get the feeling Eugene's inner lady wanted some coffee. "Where are we going?" he asked as we arrived at the mall

"You'll see." and then when we walk into Starbucks. He looks around then at me.

"Screw you, Jack." I smirk at him then say

"We are going to have a book launch." He gapes at me




"I'm not changing my mind."

"I'm not changing mine."

"Yes you are." I say "I have everything planned, disguises and all." He stares at me like I'm crazy, which I sort of am. "You'll wear one of those hoodies that zip up over your face, nobody will see you. Come on, it'll make your fans happy, Fitzherbert." He runs a hand through his hair and says

"Fine. But I'm never doing this a second time." And I say

"Deal. You can even invite that Rapunzel chick." I laugh when he blushes

"She's not just some chick, and she's younger than me."

"Oh Eugene, she would not know that."

"Jackson, you perv."

"It's done then. Tomorrow we will bring your sea of fans to their knees." Eugene rolls his eyes but I can tell that even he is excited. Tomorrow will be the best! Eugene knows how dorky I am, I can tell when he makes faces at me, but hey, we're best friends.

Hey guys, this chapter sort of sucks, but I had to give you guys something. I feel so happy to know that this is getting reads, know that I am forever grateful for you guys. I hope that even if it isn't much you like my little cliche story. I love you.


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