the date

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Punzie's POV:

OMG! Eugene Fitzherbert asked me out! Me! I can hardly believe that I, Rapunzel Corona, will be going out on a date with a famous actor, and a cute one at that!

My mom freaked out when I came home. Said that my hair was beautiful, why would I cut it? She got all happy when I showed her the paper bag of hair, though "You're such a good girl! Your heart is so big!" My dad was happy too, said I looked good as a brunette. My hair is so easy to wash now! I'll have to have it extra clean for my date. "You have a date?! " Anna yells "How come I was not the first to know?" She lies down on my bed and stretches out, her muddy shoes on my carpet. I grimace then look up again "I guess it never came up. How do you know?" She sits up and smirks

"My best friend told me." I flash her a grin

"I never told you!" she smiles again

"Not you, my friend Kristof."

"Blond kid?"

"Yeah." I get up and go to my closet

"I still need something to wear." Anna comes over to the closet and starts rummaging around

"Where's he taking you?"

"I don't know." She looks at me like I'm crazy, then she keeps looking.

"You know what? Screw it. I'm calling Elsa."

While Anna calls Elsa I keep looking. I have nothing that could possibly impress him! I begin to cry because I've never really cared this much about a date. My phone rings, shakily, I pick it up


"Hey Blondie, just calling to say that I'm super psyched for our date and- have you been crying?" I sniffle and wipe my nose

"No." It comes out like a question and I curse myself

"Sweetie, dont cry, please. It breaks my heart!" If only he knew I was crying over him.

"Can you give me a clue as to where you're taking me?"

"Fine." he says stubbornly "Bring a sweater. Look, Blondie, I have to go, but I miss you!"

I mumble "Bye." and then hang up. I sigh and run a hand through my short hair. I wipe my eyes then jump up when Elsa bursts in "I have a class in an hour, so lets make this quick!" Anna walks in behind her carrying Max, she puts him down and tips out her cellphone. She clicks something on the screen and the playlist from I see the light begins, they go to my closet and start picking through it as I sit on my bed mouthing the lyrics to the song

"I'm broken, do you hear me?

I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see,

I'm dancin' alone, I'm praying,

That your heart will just turn around,

And as I walk up to your door,

My head turns to face the floor,

'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,

It just won't feel right,

'Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah,

When he lays you down,

I might just die inside,

It just don't feel right,"

"I've got it!" Elsa shows me the outfit she has put together. It's a pink sundress I didn't even remember I had and pink tights that are actually really warm. "I love it Els, but he said to take a sweater. Anna dives into my closet headfirst and lands with a loud thud "I'm okay!" she calls then holds up a long purple coat. Elsa gasps "It's perfect!" and I have to agree, I really love those colors. Anna lays the outfit down on my bed and Elsa looks it over "One thing missing. . ." She walks into the bathroom Anna and I share and opens one of Anna's drawers, she moves things around then comes back to us with a little headband with flowers on t. "Now its fabulous." It is.

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