Need a ride?

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Jack's POV:

"Bye Jane!" I say gathering the last of my papers and putting them in a folder.

"Bye Jack!" she answers without looking at me, just at her computer. I head out to my car and unlock it. As I climb in I realize how exhausted I really am. Eugene is so lucky, even if he is an actor, he doesn't do that everyday, he just works from home for my dad.

As I pull out of the parking lot it begins to rain. I sigh then start driving home. I'm about a block away from the building when I see a figure walking on the sidewalk, I take a closer look and I see that it's Elsa, the cute girl I'd met the other day. I pull up close to where she's walking and roll down my window "Hey Elsa," I call "Need a ride?" She looks up at me and smiles a little

"Thanks. . . but I'm soaked!" she gestures down at her grubby clothes. I bite my lip, she really is wet. . . "Doesn't matter." I motion for her to get in. She walks around the car and opens the door, even soaking wet she looks pretty. "Soo. . ." I begin in an attempt to ease the tension in the air "How come you were walking?" She looks up and her tiny smile warms my heart

"My car broke down. I had to get to my afternoon classes." I nod

"Why did nobody else take you?" She fiddles with her braid and looks down at the bag in her lap.

"My roommate,Tooth doesn't have a car and my best friend was already taking someone." I scoff

"You could have asked me." I say this so that she knows she can trust me, she doesn't seem to get it

"I barely know you! A-and you're an adult- with a job!" I laugh a little and she scowls

"What year are you in?" I ask, she looks around twenty, twenty one maybe?

"Senior." She says, I smirk

"You see? You're an adult too! Besides, I'd do it for my friends. You're my friend. Really, I would do it for anyone." This is a lie. I would do it only for her. . . maybe Eugene (if he isn't too busy hanging out at Starbucks with his purse and his wavy locks).

"Fine." she mumbles as I back into my parking space.

Okay. We're here. What do you say?" I flutter my eyes at her innocently

"Thank you." She begins to get out of the car and I follow her. We walking an elevator and I purposely don't press my floor number. When we get to her floor, I, being the annoying person that I am, follow her "Jack, what are you doing?"

"Walking you home, I am a gentleman." I see her roll her eyes and I chuckle. We arrive at her door and I stand there like a moron while she rummages around in her purse, after a while, she lets out an exasperated sigh "Could his day get any worse?!" I gaze over at her and she says "I left my f- my keys inside." I widen my eyes in mock surprise at how she almost cursed "I'll have to wait for Tooth." I shake my head

"Your roommate it Tatiana Fisher? She's always late, even more than me." I take a step towards her "Come on to my apartment so that you can warm up." She shakes her her head

"I'm not cold, and how do I know you're not trying to take advantage of me in some way?" I put a hand on my chest and open my mouth to show her how hurt I am.

"Do you trust me?"


"I had that coming, anyways, please, I'd feel guilty leaving you out here." Elsa sighs

"Fine." What is with her and using that  word all the time?

I lead her one floor up to my apartment. I unlock the door and turn the lights on. Elsa looks around an d smiles. Then she says "Um, Jack?" I hum in response "Do you have a bathroom? I have some clothes I can change into." I nod and point her to the bathroom, then I settle on the blue couch in front of the tv. There's a bump on my back though, I reach behind me and feel a soft texture

I tug on it and pull out the wig that I don't remember keeping. I pass it from hand to hand, it really is beautiful, I don't know how Flee managed to make it. Tears sting in my eyes at the think of her, how I loved her. Flee's last words to me were the she wanted me to get a girlfriend, as much as I want to honor her wishes I can't. I'm not in a position to be looking for dates. . .

Elsa steps out of the bathroom and my jaw drops. How can someone be that gorgeous? She's traded her greenish dress and black sweater for a baby blue t shirt and some jeans. It's simple but on her it looks like she's an angel, she looks so innocent, so at peace, like she can finally let go. She walks over to the couch and sits next to me "Whats this?"

She points at Flee's wig and I hand it to her "My sister knitted it, she died of cancer a few weeks ago." Elsa's hands fly up to her mouth

"I'm so sorry!" I begin to tell her that it's okay, then she wraps her arms around me. It's probably inappropriate that we barely know each other and we're hugging, but I feel so safe, I almost understand what Flee wanted, almost.

I pull away from the hug and Elsa tucks a hair behind her ear "I'm sorr-"

"Don't be." I say "I needed that." She smiles the widest I've ever seen her smile. Her phone beeps and she picks it up "Tooth's home" she says and my heart falls a little, I don't know why

"Oh." I look up at her from where I'm sitting, she shoulders her purse then walks towards me "Thank you for being so kind to me today Jack." she takes a step closer and kisses my cheek very gently.

I mean to tell her it was no problem, but right now I can't even remember my own name, let alone how to talk. She leaves and I'm left on the couch like an idiot, Flee's wig in hand, I make my way to my room and fall asleep hugging the yarn wig, with dreams of Elsa and my sister meeting floating around in my head.

Hello there! I hope you liked this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it for you. Anyhow, I want to know more about you guys, tell me our favorites:

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