Not my type

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Mer's POV:

"Holy crap!" Eugene practically yells as he walks into my dressing room

"Do you knock?! I could have been naked!" Eugene gives me a sideways look then says

"Sorry, its just that my girlfriend thinks I'm cheating on her!" I nod from where I'm sitting at my makeup table"Have you given her a reason to believe that?" Without invitation he sits in the couch across from me, setting his purse- sorry, satchel down next to him.

"I- no! Yes. . . I don't know!" I nod again

"Care to explain?" I ask him, adjusting my skirt

"We'll. . ." he begins "I was in the park in front of my apartment with Rapunzel-"

"Rapunzel Corona?"

"Yeah!" he beams "You know her?" I narrow my eyes

"I do know her Fitzherbert. Hurt her and you'll be on the wrong side of my bow." He gapes at me a moment then goes on "Anyways, we were there and I gave her this gift I'd bought her, but then I noticed the time and I told her 'I have to go, I'm meeting up with Mer', after that she was really distant." My jaw drops. How is this guy such a moron?

"Thats where yo failed." He gives me a questioning look and I keep talking "What you should have said was 'I'm going to the set of a new movie, not 'I'm meeting up with this girl'!" He opens his mouth to say something, but we're called to god and start shooting. I turn to him and say "As much as I would love to discuss your relationship problems and complain about how my only boyfriend ever was in freshmen year, we need to go." He just nods.

"Action!" Eugene steps out of a car and walks towards me, slowly

"Is that you?" He lifts a quivering hand and lets it hover next to my cheek, I raise my hand and place it on his so that it touches my face "Yes, it's me. How about you? Are you real?" He nods, tears in his eyes "Yes Sam,The one and only." I begin to say my next line, when

"Cut! What is this?" my dad asks walking towards us "Merida, you just found out that he's alive and well, your childhood best friend. And you!" he turn to Eugene Yikes! "Oh. My. Gosh. You're seeing her for the first time in years! She's all grown up!" he says motioning towards me "She's the only person you thought of while you were away!" He returns to his chair "Give me something good to work with. Action!"

We start again. Eugene really seems out of it, the poor guy must have his mind with Rapunzel! It takes us at least twenty tries until we get the scene right. We do a few more, which are a whole lot easier, like him finding out his fiancé (played by Anastasia Tremaine) is married,us having out in a park. A bunch of boring crap. Then, tank goodness, its over!

"You wanna get out of here?" Eugene asks me after he comes out of his dressing room

"You're not my type." I answer plainly "Besides, I have my bow in my dad's car, so watch it!"

"Ew! I didn't mean it like that! I mean like as friends." I feel stupid now. Well, duh, you are stupid Mer! I just say "Oh. Okay." I grab my things and tell my dad who warns me against doing anything crazy and reminds me what my mom will do if I come home with a tattoo. I roll my eyes at this then go out to Eugene's car. "So, where are we going?"

He smiles as he pulls out of the parking lot Barnes and Noble. I've got a friend there I would like you to meet." The ride is short and soon enough we're at the mall. We take the elevator up to the second floor with an old lady who is cooing about young love, With this bastard? No way!

We walk into Barnes and Noble, a  blast of air hits me, it feels refreshing after a long day with my dad and his smelly friend Macintosh. Eugene walks straight to the counter where a guy who's wearing glasses too big for his face and a green jacket. "Hiccup, my man!" He high fives with the boy who laughs a really awkward laugh. They begin a conversation that I'm completely tuned out of, I'm watching the boy, trying to figure out why Eugene wanted to introduce us. The boy is laughing at something Eugene just said when I clear my throat  and he turns to me. His pupils dilate and his mouth clamps shut "Eu- Eugene. . . is this your girlfriend?" I turn from the nervous boy to Eugene, who is looking right back at me "No." we say in unison. The boy sighs and lowers his gaze to a piece of paper on the counter "Oh." is all he says, then "Um, how did it go with the slippers?" Eugene scratches he back of his head before responding

"Good. She really liked them. Thanks man." He turns to me again and says "Hicc, this is my friend Merida. I work with her." The boy pushes his glasses further  up his nose then holds out his hand "Nice to meet yo." I say, he smiles a tiny smile like he's nervous or something. I'm speculating on this when

"Eugene?" I don't have to turn around to know who's voice it is. Both Eugene and I turn "What is this?" Rapunzel asks, tears pooling in her eyes

"Baby-" Eugene begins to say

"No!" she quickly walks out and away from the store 

"I need to go." Eugene says to me, then he takes off running after her calling out "Rapunzel! Listen!"

Hiccup and I are left alone, except for a couple of little kids and a woman, about forty. She walks up toHiccup and drops an intense pile of books on the counter. Hiccup stares at the books before scanning them. The woman pays him and leaves with the army of children.

Now we truly are alone.

"Um. . . we're going to close. . . do you want a ride?" I do want a ride with Hiccup. Not because I think Eugene isn't coming back, I know he isn't,  I want to ride with Hiccup because he looks calm. I could use some calm in my life. "Yes please." I say and text Eugene that he should take all his time with Punzie, because Hiccup's taking me.

We walk out to his car. Me and this shy boy who seems no my type any more than Eugene is. It's the only reason I can think that he would want to introduce me in the first place, gosh, he's so stupid! This guy is my polar opposite. Hiccup opens the passenger's side for me and I climb into his navy blue car. He closes the door and starts walking around the car while I'm thinking What have I gotten myself into? He opens his door and clips in next to me. He reaches for the stick shift and I catch a glimpse of ink on his arm. Something, I don't know what. stirs inside me, and I smile to myself

There we go! Mericcup! Also, I'll be sure to fix Punzie and Eugene's "situation" in the next few chapters. I love you!


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