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Hiccup's POV:

"So. . . Astrid, how's your girlfriend?" It's funny, a few weeks ago I had a crush the size of Jupiter on this girl. Now, I'm stupidly falling for someone else that I know I can never have. "Ruff's fine, thanks for asking. How about you? You got anyone special yet?" She smiles bright and bats her eyelashes, then she laughs.

"Um. . . no, not yet anyways." I say the last part like a whisper, I trust Astrid but this is something I'd rather tell Eugene. Astrid flashes me one last smile before going to help a little girl find the Junie B. Jones books.I go back to the counter just as, on schedule, Eugene walks through the doors. "Hey, what's up Hiccup!" He's in a good mood, although I can't help but notice his wrapped knuckles. "Nothing much," I say "You?" He smiles

"Oh, Hiccup! The sky is bluer! The birds singing is more beautiful!" Oh, for the love of God, what happened to him? "Well," I say "Something must have happened to your eyes, because it's extremely cloudy outside and there's not a single bird in sight." Eugene frowns

"You ruin everything with your sarcasm, you little- you know what? forget it! So, what's up with you these days? Haven't seen you much." I scratch the back of my neck

"Well, I've been here." I say, he looks unconvinced

"No, you haven't." he says

"Yes, I have!" I shoot back

"No you haven't!"

"Yes, I have!"

"Yes, you have!" he says, confusing me

"No, I hav- ugh! Damn you, Fitzherbert!"he laughs and I swat him.

"But seriously, I'm worried about you man." I sigh

"Fine. There's this girl." he looks me over, unfazed

"What about this girl?

"I'm the underdog."

"Everyone loves an underdog." he says examining his knuckles

"You say that because you aren't one." his smirk disappears

"No, I am one." he says lowering his gaze. "Hey, don't underestimate yourself. Anyone would be lucky to have you." I look at him

"Really?" He pats my shoulder

"That's the thing about underdogs, everyone underestimates them because they're the one's in it for something bigger than themselves." I nod slowly, Eugene and his quotes, almost as if he had them all tucked into that purse of his.

"You're a real sap, have you ever been told?"

"Yeah, speaking of, come on!" he leads me away from the bookstore, which I could get fired for, I'm just thankful that Elinor, my boss, is out today. We get to a Starbucks and he hands me a wrapped gift "What's this?" I ask as he nudges it towards me

"A gift for a good friend." he answers. Carefully, I begin to unwrap it. It's a copy of Emma by Flynn Writer. People would assume that guys don't like this book because it's sappy, but people think they know everything when in reality they don't know half of what there is in this world. I open the cover and, Oh My God! It's signed! "How did you get this?" I whisper turning the book over in my hands.

"About that, you're my friend, I expect you to keep the secret." I gulp and nod. Then, from his satchel he takes out a hoodie, the kind that you can zip over your face, exactly like Flynn Writer's.

"Are you for real?" he nods and I bring a hand up to my forehead

"Oh my God!" then a thought occurs to me "You gonna tell your girlfriend?"

"No!" He snaps, then lowers his voice "Not yet."

Hello again! Thank you for reading, please leave suggestions for me down bellow, remember that I love you. Btw, that's Hiccup's tattoo.

Bye bye!

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