His number one fan

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Punzie's POV (one year later)

"Come on Els, please!" Anna jumped up and down while Elsa walked. I smiled, my cousins were crazy! "Fine! We're going to Barnes and Noble!" Anna jumps up happily ad Elsa sighs, switching her purse from her left shoulder to the right.

We walk into the bookstore and Anna runs off to do who knows what, Elsa sits at Starbucks and we both order coffee. Then I decide to look around.

I used to love reading, but recently I haven't found any books that I like all that much. I go into the area that says New Releases and I start looking around, flipping through pages and not finding anything. Suddenly, I see a bright blue cover with a beautiful design on it. I pick it up.

Overcoming Cliche, I turn the book over and read the description. This is the book! I check the price then run to the cash register "Here." I say, smiling at the cute guy behind the desk. He smiles back and says "Good book, I hope you enjoy it!" He hands me the book and I give him the money "I'm Rapunzel" I say because this guy is seriously good looking and I'm a complete idiot. He smiles again, his eyes shinning behind his black glasses

"Hiccup." I flash him a smile one more time, even though the hell kind of name is Hiccup? and walk away. I join Elsa at the Starbucks where she's sitting with Anna. "OMG, did you see that guy?!" Elsa smiles and looks behind me and smiles wider.

"He's adorable!" Anna rolls her eyes and motions for the door with her bag of books, yes, books, with an s! We drive home to where Anna and I live with my parents.

i open my book as soon as I get home, on the first page is a note:

This is my first book. I am writing it because recently I noticed that people keep trying to escape cliche. In my opinion we should just overcome the fear of it we have developed and embrace it, because everyone deserves to be happy and if that takes a happy ending in a book, so be it.

Aww, thats so sweet! I keep reading, I only stop to get water or go to the bathroom. OMG, I hope they kiss! This story is so cheesy, like cheesier than Percabeth if that's even possible! By the time I finish the book I'm in tears. For once, the book ended exactly like I wanted to.

It's not cliche in the sense of the love story being naive and boring, it just felt more real, even to the reader. I decide right then that I want this guy to know how awesome what he's done is. I look up the address for the publisher because I already looked under the name Flynn Writer and found nothing.

I find the address and write my letter

Dear Mr. Writer,

I'm not really much of a reader but I loved your book, Overcoming Cliche. The thing is, it is something real, I think that in a world like the one we live in, with so many fakes and untold truths, I think your book is  a real gift.


Rapunzel Corona

It's short but to the point, I don't want to say too much, he's probably a busy guy. I put in a picture of me, just because. It's one of my more recent pictures, me smiling, my blonde hair going beyond my hips. I seal the envelope and write the address on the back.

"Papa, I'm going to run to the post office real quick, okay?" My dad nods from his seat in the leather chair next to the window. I put on my coat and a scarf then walk out the door. The post office isn't that far, so I walk. The cold air pricks at my cheeks that are already freezing cold, but I keep going, determinedly holding the letter in my pocket. I reach the post office and and buy some stamps because I had none at home, I grab one of a tower in a beautiful clearing, hopefully he'll appreciate it. 

Thank you to the people who have read this. It encourages me too keep writing. I love you

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