Being A Bodyguard Of A Hollywood Jerk! -Ch 8-

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Cover made by me! ^.^

Enjoy the chapter!  


Being A Bodyguard Of A Hollywood Jerk!

-Ch 8- Closet And Boners.

Cera's P.o.v.

After finally taking my morning shower I walked out into my room with a towel wrapped around me and began looking for a closet that possibly contained my clothes.

I saw a door right next to my bed and decided to check out what's inside. I opened the door and felt for the light switch, when my hand landed on it I gently pressed and as the lights flickered on, a long hallway filled with clothes and accessories on each side opened before my eyes.

The sight me made my mouth fall open and eyes widen to the size of ping pong balls. Amazing. It's a huge walk-in mall!

Of course I did wonder where my clothes went, but once my gaze landed on the hot and even Designer clothes I forgot all about it.

I couldn't control my eyes as they jumped around from Hollister skinny jeans to Hot Topic T-shirts, from Aeropostal sandals to H&M dresses, from Gucci earrings to Dior shoes, from Chanel make-up to Burberry scarves and much, much more.

A smile crept on my face as I announced to myself, "Let the dress-up begin!"

Richard's P.o.v.

Finally Cera left! I couldn't stand the thought of what would've happened if she saw my boner under the table. Seriously, this girl can turn me on even without doing anything, one image of her in a swim suit can cause a massive bump sticking out of my pants. And the sudden urge to pounce her like a sex-crazed-monkey didn't help me at all. Especially when she was sitting right infront of me!

I sighed while putting my plate into the sink, turning around and leaving it to be cleaned by someone else, that's why we have maids and servants around here.

I was about to open the door to my room when I saw a blonde haired maid running toward me, I think her name was Anna, Annie...ah I don't care.

She stopped infront of me and breathed a couple of times as I eyed her with boredom. She looked up, "Master would like to see you" was all she said before bowing and leaving.

Master? Who says that crap these days? Oh wells, her problem.

I walked to my fathers office and entered without knocking, why should I? I'm his son, he'll forgive me even if I interrupt an important meeting.

"Sup Pops" I said to him cooly while sitting down on one of his chairs.

"We need to talk Richard" he said with seriousness in his tone.

"Sure, 'bout what?" I asked him puzzled. He rarely uses that tone with me.

"I know that Cera being your bodyguard is a shock to you, but you have to understand that you can't just play with her like you did with the other girls" he said eyeing me with dissapointment.

Ouch, for a second there, I actually felt guilty.

"Why not? It's fun" I said smirking.

"Because she's the best bodyguard in her agency, and I don't want you to ruin this like you did with the other girls, especially Jill!" he practically yelled at me.

"But she's different than Jill" I commented. It was true.

"But she will soon break down like Jill did, I heard her yelling last night, I say it's a miracle she's able to put up with you!" he yelled this time.

I shrugged. "She just can't give in that she wants me"

Father eyed me with slight anger. "If you don't start acting mature, I'll make sure that you won't see even one sentence in that movie script" he said to me with anger dripping off of each word.

My eyes widened. "No! You can't do that!" I yelled booming out of my chair in rage.

"Oh I can" he said crossing his arms. "I've spoiled you long enough"

"I can't believe you blackmailed your own son!" I said to him trying to make him feel guilty.

He shrugged. "How else am I gonna get through to you?"

I stomped out of the room when I heard him yell, "Oh and could you get Cera? I have someone I want her to meet"

Whatever. I thought bitterly.

I opened her bedroom door and walked in. How can he just blackmail me like that? I'm his only son fo crying out loud!

I heard giggling coming from the closet. I opened the door slightly and my eyes practically fell out of my eye sockets.

"C-Cera?" I manage to say looking at the skinny and hot legs standing a few meters away from me.

She turned and I saw that she was wearing a white mini skirt and a aqua blue tank top. Oh my god. I felt something in my pants get hard.

So not the time!

"What are you doing here?!" she yelled at me with her hands on her hips.

"I- hot" was all I said to see her slightly blush, but in a second mask it up with an annoyed stare.

"I'll ask again, what are you doing here?! And why didn't you at least knock?!" she asked me again with fury in her voice.

"My dad wants to see you, he said he wanted you to meet someone" I answered walking in and closing the door behind me.

She nodded, but then she raised her eyebrow. "You can leave now" she said as I walked toward her.

"I don't feel like it" I shrugged and pulled her to me by the waist.

She looked shocked, but then pushed me off her.

"Get off me, player!" she yelled at me with anger painted all over her face.

And right then I couldn't take it any longer so I crashed my lips into hers.

For a second I thought she finally gave in, but instead of kissing me back she kneed me in my boner.

I fell down in pain holding my prized possesion. She just killed my boner!

I looked up to see her staring angirly at me through her tear filled eyes with her hand over her mouth.

"I hope you die" was all she said before running out of the closet and into her bathroom.

Wow I really made her pissy.

Cera's P.o.v.

That player! That brat! That...that...idiot!

How can he just march in and force-kiss me? Who or even WHAT does he think he is?!

Does he think he owns me?! Well sorry to break it to you little boy, but you don't.

I jammed my toothbrush in my mouth and started violently brushing it across my teeth. The nerve of that guy!

I spit out and rinced my mouth putting my away toothbrush.

I'm gonna get him back. And it won't be pretty.

I smiled evily. Let the games begin!


Wow!!!! I think I've shown how much Richard wants Cera and Cera despises Richard xP  

Don't worry, next chapter will be full of fun! I have good ideas on what to write next :)  

Also I still didn't get my computer back so that sucks, I'll maybe get it today or on monday, but either way I'll write on here. (On my back-up)  

It's so much easier, and I can take my back-up laptop where ever I go ^.^





Being A Bodyguard Of A Hollywood Jerk! [Needs Editing & Fixing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora