Chapter Thirteen

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Bing screeched to a halt, his car squealing in protest when he heard that voice on his blue tooth. "Where are you?" He growled loudly, gripping the steering wheel.

The voice on the other end sighed. "My place. There was a 31% chance of you coming, thinking that I would hide, figuring you would check. I... Have a problem."

"You actually have a few problems," he spun the car around, then sped down the road, passing car after car, breaking many road laws and regulations. "You took her, even though I gave you opportunity, after opportunity to fix what little relationship you have with her. I trusted you to not make a stupid mistake! Y-!"

"Bing, shut up."

The yellow hair man sputtered. "Excuse me? Did you ju-?"

 "(Y/N) isn't responding to anything, you fucking idiot! She's awake, but not moving, talking, or anything! I can't do anything to get her to eat, or drink!"

Bing went silent. Just taking her shouldn't have done that. He was expecting to hear that she was panicking, wanting Sam, Tim, and himself. He frowned. "What did you do?"

Google was silent for a moment, but he could hear him pacing around. "I... may have lied."

He hung up, and slammed his foot down on the gas. That damn robot! What was he thinking!?

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