Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Ten. Ready or not, here I come."

(Y/N) covered their mouth, squeezing their eyes shut. They made sure to close any doors they used to get into the closet, and open other's that they didn't use. It was to throw him off, several older kids they had played with before did this. They quickly learned how to tip them off. 

With a hitch in their throat, they listened to the slow taps of Dark's shoes as he wandered the house, in search for them. They bit their lip, clutching their knees to their chest, praying for Google to come and save them. They didn't want to get hurt, they didn't want to be with him, they didn't like him.

"G-Google," they quietly cried. "Google..! Please..."

The footsteps stopped at the doors of the closet. 

Their eyes widened.

"Found you."

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